I think Spring is coming
For a week now I have been waking up in the mornings wanting to dance a little jig in my living room, "Hip, Hip, Hooray! The sun is here today!" It all started last Thursday when I woke up to snotty noses and crying and the ubiquitous grey sky. But then, a tender mercy was sent my way.
The sun came out of the clouds. The skies did not clear up and the sun only poked it's head out a sliver but it was just enough. I opened all the curtains in my house and sat in the sun for over an hour. It was like Heavenly Father was telling me that there was hope for a bright day and that I could make the day what I wanted to. Just that small amount of sun was all I needed to get through another day of gloom.
And things have just gotten better, in my opinion.
The sun has been shining each day since then and we have been taking advantage of it. It has also been raining off and on the last few days and there are still plenty of clouds (as seen in most of the pictures) but that sun--well, it's just wonderful.
Here is a glimpse of what the beginning of Spring looks like at our house:
Lot's of sticks--the boys pick up sticks on all the walks we take and they usually make their way into the living room and then later get chewed on by Diamond, leaving stick pieces everywhere. I'm working on teaching them to keep the sticks outside. The boys also like to plant things so they often make a big muddy mess planting sticks in the mud.

Remember this? Isaac started showing interest in riding his bike in late fall and I was afraid he would revert to being scared of trying out his bike but he hasn't at all. He is getting so good at riding his bike and he is so proud of himself, as am I, so we have been doing a lot of bike riding lately. Of course we have all been taking every opportunity to lay in whatever sun we can find in our house (I just love Eli's little tongue sticking out).
And finally, I went to put Eli in bed yesterday and found him playing with worms he had brought in from the backyard and placed on our table! He tried taking them with him to his room and I had to explain to him that, "No, we don't sleep with worms in our beds." I put him to bed and then proceeded to forget all about the worms sitting on the table only to find them crusted over later. We had to have a conversation at bedtime about creepy crawling things that belong outside and not in our house. Gross. I'm sure it's not the last time I'll find worms in our house in the coming months.
The sun came out of the clouds. The skies did not clear up and the sun only poked it's head out a sliver but it was just enough. I opened all the curtains in my house and sat in the sun for over an hour. It was like Heavenly Father was telling me that there was hope for a bright day and that I could make the day what I wanted to. Just that small amount of sun was all I needed to get through another day of gloom.
And things have just gotten better, in my opinion.
The sun has been shining each day since then and we have been taking advantage of it. It has also been raining off and on the last few days and there are still plenty of clouds (as seen in most of the pictures) but that sun--well, it's just wonderful.
Here is a glimpse of what the beginning of Spring looks like at our house:
Remember this? Isaac started showing interest in riding his bike in late fall and I was afraid he would revert to being scared of trying out his bike but he hasn't at all. He is getting so good at riding his bike and he is so proud of himself, as am I, so we have been doing a lot of bike riding lately. Of course we have all been taking every opportunity to lay in whatever sun we can find in our house (I just love Eli's little tongue sticking out).
And finally, I went to put Eli in bed yesterday and found him playing with worms he had brought in from the backyard and placed on our table! He tried taking them with him to his room and I had to explain to him that, "No, we don't sleep with worms in our beds." I put him to bed and then proceeded to forget all about the worms sitting on the table only to find them crusted over later. We had to have a conversation at bedtime about creepy crawling things that belong outside and not in our house. Gross. I'm sure it's not the last time I'll find worms in our house in the coming months.
I'm so glad you have some sun. Loved the photo of Diamond basking in the sun.
We've never had worms in the house...just rocks and leaves. They think they are beautiful and bring them in for their collection...soon they are crunched all over the floor! -Jen
BTW I grew up in your family's ward in Elk Ridge and have been spying on your blog for a little while now. I decided it was time for me to stop hiding and say hello!
About all that mud, here's just a suggestion that I found very helpful in cleaning. When they happen to track it in the house, let it dry and then vacuum it up later. Don't ever try to clean it when it's wet, it will just smear and be really gross.
So....gross. Love it!