A bunch of pictures
Yesterday our church was canceled because of the weather. Well, the weather was actually not bad but the parking lot was a mess so they canceled church. We got the call after Mike had already left to go to choir and the rest of us were ready to leave as well except I hadn't chained the dog up or brushed my teeth. But, we had coats on and the car was running and the bag was packed.
Since we were all ready for church we decided to go ahead and do our own church thing. The boys did talks (including Eli because he can't be left out of anything) and we had singing time and I gave the lesson I had prepared for my CTR class.
I took pictures and while taking them I thought, "This probably isn't helping bring the spirit" but oh well. So, you get some pictures of our "church time." We are expecting some more snow tonight until Wed. so we will probably just spend some quiet days at home. I got some movies from the library for the boys and I will probably just pop some popcorn for them and let them watch their movie while I read a book and try and get caught up in cleaning.
I have had a cold for almost two weeks now and I just feel tired and have a general feeling of blahness. So, I guess being stuck inside because of the snow won't be such a bad thing. It should give me (and the boys) some time to recover and just relax.

Participating in the activity for the lesson.
Singing time. We played "Name That Tune" and the boys and Mike are singing "Once there was a snowman"

Will loves the snow and the other two boys like it for very brief periods of time. Diamond also loves the snow and will run around in it like a crazy dog.
Since we were all ready for church we decided to go ahead and do our own church thing. The boys did talks (including Eli because he can't be left out of anything) and we had singing time and I gave the lesson I had prepared for my CTR class.
I took pictures and while taking them I thought, "This probably isn't helping bring the spirit" but oh well. So, you get some pictures of our "church time." We are expecting some more snow tonight until Wed. so we will probably just spend some quiet days at home. I got some movies from the library for the boys and I will probably just pop some popcorn for them and let them watch their movie while I read a book and try and get caught up in cleaning.
I have had a cold for almost two weeks now and I just feel tired and have a general feeling of blahness. So, I guess being stuck inside because of the snow won't be such a bad thing. It should give me (and the boys) some time to recover and just relax.
Will loves the snow and the other two boys like it for very brief periods of time. Diamond also loves the snow and will run around in it like a crazy dog.
I saw the news this morning - looks like you guys got hit again with a nasty storm and it's moving over to David and Tana.
What a tough winter you have all had!!
I remember having church at home in NE a few times. I've only had one church canceled while living in Utah and once in Nebraska while a missionary.