Puzzle Selection Options**Updated

If not, I got an offer from http://www.whitemountainpuzzles.com/ -- $7.75 for our 1000 piece puzzle, but we still pay shipping. They have lots of nice puzzles. I'll need to let them know our choice and they'll give us a promotion code. They do not have this puzzle, so we'll have to select a different one if we can't all get it from wal-mart.
Please check your local Wal-Mart and let us know by this Saturday (16 Jan) afternoon if you can/can't get this puzzle .
NOTE: Our puzzle is on a white background--the picture here is just so you know what picture you're looking for.
*****Today we heard that some people can not get it at WalMart but can get it at Target so if you can't find it at Walmart, try Target next. Good luck! If all else fails, some of us could probably find it and ship it to you. We're getting antsy so hurry and find your puzzles.
and we are excited to get started.