So, I Think I Can't Dance
When I was younger, like 9 or something, my mom put my sisters in dance class. I was excluded. Then she felt guilty and put me in dance too. I started dancing with my sisters and we took ballet and jazz. We learned the Running Man and the Roger Rabbit. Man, I'm getting old. I loved my pretty pink slippers. Let me tell you, I was an awesome, I mean awful dancer. Really. I was bad. Looking back I'm pretty sure that is why my mom opted not to put me in dance. She must have seen me dancing in the living room to Janet Jackson's "Black Cat" and just known that dancing wasn't my destiny. I mean, if you think of it that way, she tried to spare me. I'm pretty sure everyone else in the class knew I was a bad dancer too.
From that point on I pretty much gave up all hopes of being a dancer. My little sisters began taking dance lessons when I was in high school. They started at ages 7 and 4 and have been dancing since (now 18 and 21). Those girls can shake some boo-tay! I used to go to their performances and wish it was me up there dancing like a maniac.
(Flash forward to my current life.)
I still can't dance. I tried doing a dance work out the other night and giggled the whole way through. Mike was trying not to laugh. I looked like a retard. I just can't get my hips and arms to do what they should.
Oh well. I can still have hopes can't I? I can still dream that I'm a star.
So, in anticipation for one of our favorite shows, So You Think You Can Dance, we had a dance-off in our living room.
You heard that right. A dance-off. We couldn't crown a winner because if you know Will, you know that would create some major issues. But, we did all choose a song and shook our tail-feathers.
Shake it, baby! Shake it!

Whoops, how did this one get put on here?
They all had to be tossed in the air a few hundred times by both of us.
The boys made a very wise choice, "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas"

Whoa, it takes a lot of energy to be a dancer, which is why Mike and I collapsed on the ground after the dance-off.
And now we are off to watch some real dancers do what we can't--DANCE!!
From that point on I pretty much gave up all hopes of being a dancer. My little sisters began taking dance lessons when I was in high school. They started at ages 7 and 4 and have been dancing since (now 18 and 21). Those girls can shake some boo-tay! I used to go to their performances and wish it was me up there dancing like a maniac.
(Flash forward to my current life.)
I still can't dance. I tried doing a dance work out the other night and giggled the whole way through. Mike was trying not to laugh. I looked like a retard. I just can't get my hips and arms to do what they should.
Oh well. I can still have hopes can't I? I can still dream that I'm a star.
So, in anticipation for one of our favorite shows, So You Think You Can Dance, we had a dance-off in our living room.
You heard that right. A dance-off. We couldn't crown a winner because if you know Will, you know that would create some major issues. But, we did all choose a song and shook our tail-feathers.
Whoops, how did this one get put on here?
And I must say, you and Mike should try out for the next round of that show. Looks like you've got the booty shaking down!
Jason, you loved it so much you started doing a little jig at work, huh?
Monica, Oh, I'd love to see that booty-slap picture. Post it right now! Hurry, go do it.
Tana, convince Dave to have a dance off and then post the pictures. I'd love to see that!
I didn't ever say you couldn't dance - you just didn't seem all that interested. And you have discovered lots of wonderful talents that are all yours along the way. If I remember correctly, however, your back didn't seem to want to bend - instead of being able to curve when you were supposed to, you looked kind of square. Your body didn't want to bend. It looks a whole lot curvier (is that a word?) now than it used to (and I don't mean that by weight or age or anything - I can see that you actually can curve and bend).