We've had some sick kids for about a month now (with a week break in there) and it has not been fun. I've got stories I can tell. But I won't. Not now. Just know that we've had some biting, kicking, screaming, hitting, and other really annoying and mean things going on. I will mention one thing that just happened. Eli was mad at me for not letting him use the scissors so he got a butter knife from the kitchen and stabbed Diamond in the neck. Diamond is either the best dog or the dumbest, I'm not sure which, because he just sat there and took it. He didn't even yelp. Now Eli is locked in his room. Anyway, it's also freezing so we are staying home a lot lately. I love this picture because it is one of the only moments where they are sitting together, quiet and happy (and dirty). I hope everyone is healthy by the time we go to Maryland so we can have a great, relaxing time.
I started my fondant/gum paste class. Here is the first cake. I have two classes left and one more cake to make. It's fun.
I love the cake - smooth and neat. Looks good enough to eat.
The cake looks great, is fondant yummy?
Good one on Sickness and a cake.I recently found out 1 million children are accidentally poisoned in their homes each year.And also I did find the toxins we use in our home here www.debtfreeliving.healthyhometour.com.I think it's time we all know about the toxins we use.