Maryland here we come!

We have had a busy week. All our presents are wrapped and in the car. The bags are mostly packed. The goodies were made and delivered. Mike finished his finals. I finished my cake class. Mike got some stuff done on base and wrote some in his book. We got our visiting teaching and home teaching done, and we went to Cincinnati to my sisters house so she could help me make pj's for the boys. On Saturday it snowed and we played for a long time making a snowman and a fort. Tonight is our special Christmas dinner and then tomorrow we leave to Maryland. We are all so excited to leave tomorrow. Not only do we get to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa Richards but we get to visit my brother Dave and his wife.


Jess and Jason said…
You need a vacation after a week like that!
Jess and Jen said…
Have a safe trip! Hope the snow calms down on the east coast before you get there. -Jester
Michelle said…
Wow, what a busy week. Travel safe. Did you know that my sister Jan and her husband live in the DC area?
Rachel said…
So much fun! Wish we had a little of that snow! Have a Merry Christmas!
Pitcher Family said…
What a busy time of year this is, but so fun!! My boys like your pirate snowman! Have a great trip!
Papa Doc said…
Snow, snow, what snow? A little is better that none, but go north my friends and you will see snow. I did not know that Ohio was such a tropical climate.

Hope you have a great time in Maryland. You might see snow there if I hear the weather reports right. Be careful!

Dad Clark
chelsey said…
Great snowman! Were you able to finish the hems and elastic on the waistbands for the pj's? I have to finish mine today.
Have a great time in Maryland!

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