A visit from the heart elf

What I love about kids is that no matter what you do to show them love, they return your love a hundred fold.

I decided to do something fun for the boys on Saturday. I cut out hearts and put little phrases on them like, "I love you," "you are handsome" etc. Then I hid them around the house in places they were sure to find them. It was so much fun! It was like Christmas a month early. They ran around the house looking for hearts and shouting when they found another one and asking me to read the words.

Later, I saw Will with some red paper and some scissors. Will really loves to trace things and cut them out so I assumed that is what he was doing. Then I saw him go to the kitchen and get the tape out of the junk drawer. He hollered from the kitchen, "I'm hiding hearts and when I tell you and Dad to find them you can find them but don't until then."

He ran around hiding these little hearts in random places. Of course we went around the house looking for his hidden hearts and exclaiming in joy each time we found one of his hearts. He was so excited.

Since then, we continue to find hearts. We find them and he recycles them. We find them in the most random places each day. Some times they are under our sheets and some times they are on the milk jugs. He puts them on the bathroom counters and above our bed on the wall.

I just love it. I love my William and his gentle heart. I love how excited his whole being gets when he sees we are happy. It really seems some times that his goal in life it to make us happy and I love it.


chelsey said…
Ahhhh. Good for the soul. Tough parenting times are plenty, so having these kinds of times are priceless. You should keep a few and put them away til he's older. Good memories.
Cali said…
What a sweet, thoughtful boy. I'm almost crying reading your post--really tugs at my heart! What a wonderful memory.
Marcy said…
So sweet.

I saw your parents today! Such great people.
Jess and Jason said…
What an incredible boy you are raising!
Anonymous said…
Children are so precious. You and Mike are great parents Adrianne!

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