Thanks for visiting Andy!
Andy helped us celebrate a fun October. I for one, am glad it is finally November and hope for a calmer month. We are sad to say goodbye to Andy but we think he will enjoy the Thanksgiving festivities more with his own family. I don't know, just guessing. We are excited for Laura and their kids to see their daddy this month before he has to go back to Iraq. Thanks Andy!
Andy at the trunk-or-treat
Eli, Will, and Isaac trick-or-treating. Eli was getting upset and so Mike decided to take him home but then Isaac said he wanted to go home. So, after only a half an hour two of the three were done. Will kept going with me for the rest of the road and then told me he was done. It all lasted about an hour. Nice, short, and sweet.

Andy helps carve and clean the pumpkins!

Andy helps carve and clean the pumpkins!