Why I write and Eli
I've been thinking about this blog a lot lately. I feel like I post all the time. I just have a lot to say. Our blog started in 2005 when we moved from Utah. I just wanted a way to document Will's growth and connect with my family. Since then It's become more of an outlet for me I guess. I enjoy writing and I enjoy documenting our life. Sometimes I wonder who reads our blog, if we have lurkers, how often people read this. Mostly though, I just need an outlet to speak. Mike comes home from work and says, "Who did you talk to today?" The answer is more often than not, "The boys." I imagine that is normal for most moms. I don't have friends that call me or email me very often, which is not to say I don't have some really excellent friends. But, it's easy to get busy with family and life and I think more women are like me than not. So, sometimes I just need to "talk" to someone outside of my kids and even if I'm not really talking to anyone but empty space, I still need to talk. So, all my posts will likely keep coming at a rapid pace. Hopefully one day my kids will appreciate my "talking."
Today is all about Eli.

Eli is 18 months now. He is so interesting to me! He has so much more energy than the other boys had at his age. He frightens me with his climbing. I find him on counters, bunk-beds, ladders, etc. He doesn't get in the cupboards and I've never found him in anything dangerous. We don't have any child proofing on our cupboards or anything like that but he is just into stuff I don't want him to be in. When I get out of the shower I find messes with Eli's name written all over it.
Eli is such an instigator of silly behavior. He lives for making his brothers laugh. Anything he can do to make them laugh, he'll do. It's actually really annoying when we are in a public place because he will do something silly and the boys will laugh then do something else silly to make him laugh until I can't control them anymore.
Eli thinks he is older than he is. For starters he is talking much more than I remember either Will or Isaac at this age. We have counted 42 words that he says, with quite a few phrases. He says, "Where go?" "Watch this" "I want" "What noise?" "Go outside". We can understand most of what he wants, which is nice because his tantrums have decreased a bit now that we know what he wants. He is so independent already. Everything lately is, "I do it." He wants to cut his food by himself. He wants to velcro his shoes by himself, turn off his light, brush his own teeth, and it goes on and on.
His tantrums are really cool. I've never seen such a stiff body or such tight fists, or red face as his when he throws a tantrum. It's really incredible. It's pretty much impossible to make him do anything.
Eli likes to draw, sing, dance, eat. He loves his "neigh-neigh" or rocking horse from his grandma. He loves stuffed animals, books, shoes, Diamond. Eli likes puzzles and blocks. He likes the play tool bench and tools we have. He loves to laugh. He loves both of his brothers, but he really has a special relationship with Will. He loves to be outside and he especially loves his daddy. He would take Mike over any other person in the entire world.
Well, that about sums Eli up at 18 months.
Today is all about Eli.
Eli is 18 months now. He is so interesting to me! He has so much more energy than the other boys had at his age. He frightens me with his climbing. I find him on counters, bunk-beds, ladders, etc. He doesn't get in the cupboards and I've never found him in anything dangerous. We don't have any child proofing on our cupboards or anything like that but he is just into stuff I don't want him to be in. When I get out of the shower I find messes with Eli's name written all over it.
Eli is such an instigator of silly behavior. He lives for making his brothers laugh. Anything he can do to make them laugh, he'll do. It's actually really annoying when we are in a public place because he will do something silly and the boys will laugh then do something else silly to make him laugh until I can't control them anymore.
Eli thinks he is older than he is. For starters he is talking much more than I remember either Will or Isaac at this age. We have counted 42 words that he says, with quite a few phrases. He says, "Where go?" "Watch this" "I want" "What noise?" "Go outside". We can understand most of what he wants, which is nice because his tantrums have decreased a bit now that we know what he wants. He is so independent already. Everything lately is, "I do it." He wants to cut his food by himself. He wants to velcro his shoes by himself, turn off his light, brush his own teeth, and it goes on and on.
His tantrums are really cool. I've never seen such a stiff body or such tight fists, or red face as his when he throws a tantrum. It's really incredible. It's pretty much impossible to make him do anything.
Eli likes to draw, sing, dance, eat. He loves his "neigh-neigh" or rocking horse from his grandma. He loves stuffed animals, books, shoes, Diamond. Eli likes puzzles and blocks. He likes the play tool bench and tools we have. He loves to laugh. He loves both of his brothers, but he really has a special relationship with Will. He loves to be outside and he especially loves his daddy. He would take Mike over any other person in the entire world.
Well, that about sums Eli up at 18 months.
He is a cutie. I wish I knew him better.
Chris told me the story about Will and Ike in the car with the DVD. I loved it. I hope they can always have that depth of love for each other.
They say that life is good, and then you die. Well it is good, and when you die those who went before are there to remember the little boy or girl that they raised or knew being just like Eli or Will or Ike. That can't be bad.
So we just enjoy what life gives us and if we do, we will probably enjoy what is coming, too.
Dad Clark