Why I looked like I had brain surgery part two
As interesting as it would be to be abducted by aliens, that didn’t happen. But of course you all knew that.
I had some tests done. Everything is fine it’s just that I have a new neurologist and it seems that all doctors want their own test results (maybe they don’t trust other doctors?). My new doctor wanted a current EEG.
I’ve had many EEG’s in my life. This one was a little different because it was an ambulatory EEG, or “let’s hook you up to electrodes, bind your head so you look like a brain surgery patient, then send you home for 48 hours while we read your brain waves.”
The previous EEG’s were sleep deprived. Other than the fact that I had to stay awake all night long while the rest of my family slept, they were really not that big a deal. They stick electrodes to your head with some glue, make you lay on a bed and then they flash bright lights in your eyes and make you pretend to be hyperventilating. Then they have you sleep for a little bit while they read your brain. Easy as pie (I like that phrase, easy as pie). When they are done they take the electrodes off and you go home looking like Medusa.
This one was not quite as fun as the previous EEG’s I’ve had. I had to wear those electrodes on my head for 48 hours and record when ever I drank, ate, slept, etc. The lady bound my head so tightly that I have bruises and gouges on my scalp and forehead. I have also discovered scabs on my scalp where the electrodes sat for two days. My ear is swollen because the electrode jabbed it so badly and my skin had a reaction to the glue they used to stick the electrodes on. It’s going to take a few showers to get all the glue out of my hair.
It wasn’t fun. But it wasn’t bad. It definitely wasn’t the worse thing to happen in the world. I don’t want to repeat it, that’s for sure. I looked like a retard, as you all saw, so we stayed home for two days and I only once went in the front yard (when Eli tried to kill himself by running in the street and I had to rescue him).
The main reason I posted those pictures was so that Ammon, who is recovering from surgery, could see me in all my glory. Ammon knows what it’s like to have EEG’s and he’s embarrassed to let people see him.
Well, Ammon, there are worse things than looking like a retard, most of which you have already bravely dealt with. I dare you to post pictures of yourself next time you have one.
My name is Adrianne. I have seizures. It is what it is.
My scabby head right after they took everything off. My hair wasn't washed for two days and has glue in it in the picture so it's really a gross picture, but there you have it.
I had some tests done. Everything is fine it’s just that I have a new neurologist and it seems that all doctors want their own test results (maybe they don’t trust other doctors?). My new doctor wanted a current EEG.
I’ve had many EEG’s in my life. This one was a little different because it was an ambulatory EEG, or “let’s hook you up to electrodes, bind your head so you look like a brain surgery patient, then send you home for 48 hours while we read your brain waves.”
The previous EEG’s were sleep deprived. Other than the fact that I had to stay awake all night long while the rest of my family slept, they were really not that big a deal. They stick electrodes to your head with some glue, make you lay on a bed and then they flash bright lights in your eyes and make you pretend to be hyperventilating. Then they have you sleep for a little bit while they read your brain. Easy as pie (I like that phrase, easy as pie). When they are done they take the electrodes off and you go home looking like Medusa.
This one was not quite as fun as the previous EEG’s I’ve had. I had to wear those electrodes on my head for 48 hours and record when ever I drank, ate, slept, etc. The lady bound my head so tightly that I have bruises and gouges on my scalp and forehead. I have also discovered scabs on my scalp where the electrodes sat for two days. My ear is swollen because the electrode jabbed it so badly and my skin had a reaction to the glue they used to stick the electrodes on. It’s going to take a few showers to get all the glue out of my hair.
It wasn’t fun. But it wasn’t bad. It definitely wasn’t the worse thing to happen in the world. I don’t want to repeat it, that’s for sure. I looked like a retard, as you all saw, so we stayed home for two days and I only once went in the front yard (when Eli tried to kill himself by running in the street and I had to rescue him).
The main reason I posted those pictures was so that Ammon, who is recovering from surgery, could see me in all my glory. Ammon knows what it’s like to have EEG’s and he’s embarrassed to let people see him.
Well, Ammon, there are worse things than looking like a retard, most of which you have already bravely dealt with. I dare you to post pictures of yourself next time you have one.
My name is Adrianne. I have seizures. It is what it is.
its good to know your ok, we sure miss you here in OK...when ya coming back?
the boys are getting so big from your posts behind this one!
theyll all be on missons in a year!
craig and i are working on getting sealed in December here in OK...
tentative to the arrangements we have for my exs parental rights to be removed, and subsequent adoption of daniel by craig.
its also predicated on money, which we havnt had much of since craig was fired from DELL about 5 months ago...
(faith, i MUST rely on faith! this WILL get better!)
but were all doing great, havnt had any issues to really complain about, GOd has been VERY GOOD to us, through this storm. weve not had a need for much.
hey if ya wanna RSS feed my blog into some agrigated email reader, you can find it at: www.ourstory.com/nativity4me
click the RSS feed icon, set that up and youll have inbox alerts to more than i offer on the Face Book MWC1 group.
love ya guys!
sure miss ya all!