Six years
Mike’s answers
1. What is your favorite thing about me? I don't have a favorite. I don’t ever get tired of you.
2. What is a weird thing about me that most people don’t know? You can’t go to bed without your feet being clean and lotioned.
3. What am I scared of? Bugs, and irrational fears like one of our children being dead in the morning.
4. What is your favorite thing to do with me? Make babies
5. What do you do that most annoys me? Tooting whenever I feel like it. (Adrianne injecting here: That IS annoying but not the most annoying thing).
6. When did you know you loved me? I can’t think of a time. I just decided I loved you.
7. When did you decide you wanted to date me? After Vegas
8. What will our life look like in ten years? A few more babies, a little house that we have paid off, or in a larger home that is partly paid off.
9. What did you think of our first date? It was fine
10. What do you want to be when you grow up? Wealthy. Happy and not broken
Adrianne’s answers
1. What is your favorite thing about me? I was going to say how slow you are to anger but I recognize that you get angry…it just takes a lot to make you react to it. Um, I also like how much you help out and how kind you are. So, can I choose three things?
2. What is a weird thing about me that most people don’t know? You can’t go to sleep if you feel dirty in any way…gel in your hair, a little sweat, any stickiness…Then you have to get up and shower.
3. What am I scared of? You are scared of the dark and scared of nightmares and interacting with people.
4. What is your favorite thing to do with me? I don’t have one with this either. I like to go on walks with you and I like to talk to you and just be with you.
5. What do you do that most annoys me? When I keep you up at night by talking to you
6. When did you know you loved me? When we broke up. I knew I really liked you a lot before that but when we broke up I knew I loved you.
7. When did you decide you wanted to date me? I don’t think I ever decided. It just happened. One night we weren’t dating and the next we were.
8. What will our life look like in ten years? A few more kids, living in Norway for two years, back in school for your PHD.
9. What did you think about our first date? The first half of the date was really nice. It was a great dinner and I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to you. The second half was fine. No sparks. The second date we went on though, that was much better and sparked my interest a lot more and scared me because you tried to put your arms around me. What type of girl did you think I was?!
10. What do you want to be when you grow up? Healthy, a great mom…I want to have learned a lot more talents, I also want to take classes at a community college just to keep learning…too many things.
Our love is undying and eternal. We love each other so much we are jumping up for joy. Stay tuned for an eternity of anniversary posts…six years and counting! Mike wants to interject here (he’s helping me write this, which is big because he rarely does that) that after going to the Melting Pot tonight he thinks this post is wonderfully cheesy.
I'm so happy that you have found each other. Keep working on your relationship. Challenges will continue to come. Talk together all the time and keep the Spirit close and you will continue to be happy together.