Why all the posts?
It has been a busy month for us! First was my trip to Utah, a birthday, a visit from Kaitlin, and a visit from Jess and Jason and their kids. Besides helping me host all our guests and taking care of the boys while I was gone, Mike has had some projects at home and a bunch of tests that have not gone as well as he had hoped, making him very stressed. Some of his projects in my absence:
Mike is always trying to make my life easier. While I was gone he bought and installed these shelves for our closet so we could have things off our floor. He put shelves on my side of the closet as well. Look at all those shoes! He's like a girl. He has way more shoes than I do! He also surprised me with bunk beds for the boys.

Honestly, I am exhausted. I spent the rest of the week after all our guests left trying to spend some quality time with the boys and cleaning the house. Wanna see what happens when I put off our laundry for awhile?

I think when someone came up with the phrase "mountain of laundry" they had this in mind.
Lest you worry that I won't have anything to do now that all this laundry is washed and folded, don't you worry your little head. I still have mounds of laundry to fold....
and plenty still to wash.....

Like I said, we've been busy. I still have to post pictures from Jessie's visit but in the meantime, I've got some laundry to finish.
Honestly, I am exhausted. I spent the rest of the week after all our guests left trying to spend some quality time with the boys and cleaning the house. Wanna see what happens when I put off our laundry for awhile?
I think when someone came up with the phrase "mountain of laundry" they had this in mind.
Lest you worry that I won't have anything to do now that all this laundry is washed and folded, don't you worry your little head. I still have mounds of laundry to fold....
Like I said, we've been busy. I still have to post pictures from Jessie's visit but in the meantime, I've got some laundry to finish.
Hope you get some much-needed rest.
Mike is in our prayers daily.