I want some love (revisited)

We read tonight, "He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh." 2 Nephi 4:21.

I need to be filled with a lot more of His love!

*As much as I should be all spiritual all the time, what I really meant to say was that I need more of my flesh consumed, therefore, I need more of His love.


The Duke said…
Meaning you wish you had more Christ-like love inside of you or you need someone else to show you that kind of love?
Your scripture is from one of my most favorite chapters in the entire Book of Mormon.
I mean that I need my flesh to be consumed!!
The Duke said…
Oh - now that's really funny! Me, too, as I sit here eating a vegetarian Cafe Rio salad. (Too bad it won't do me much good in the fat department.)
Hey girly,
Where are some pictures of this 'new' hot mama! Let's see...you!
jennifer said…
Hahahaha! You are so funny!

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