Our deaf boy is no longer deaf. This morning he got tubes in his ears. The doctor came out and reported that Will had "sick ears" and it was a good thing we put tubes in. Apparently he had blood mixed in with the fluid that housed itself in his ears. He started complaining of hearing problems over six months ago and we tried doing something about it then. It only took us taking him in six different times reporting that he couldn't hear before they finally decided to do something about it. They gave him something to relax him and take away any anxiety and Mike said he was pretty loopy (I had my own fun appointment so Mike took Will) and he told the doctor he had three eyes.
So, now his little ears are all fixed and we shouldn't have to shout for him to hear us anymore and now when he gets in trouble for not listening to us he can't use the excuse that he couldn't hear us.
I notice that you didn't put a photo of yourself on there. Come on, you need to let us see that hairnet thing. :) Ammon would completely empathize. Hope your test turns out well, too.
Love you.