Do you know what you are consuming?
Something monumental happened today. Today is the first day in our almost six years of marriage that I weigh less than Mike. One pound less than him, actually. Now, before you get all gleeful with joy for me, consider that Mike is 6 inches taller than me. No, I take it back; let your soul fill with glee. Today I am wearing my new favorite pants. They have been sitting in my closet for a few months and today they are sagging just a tinge on my waist. Sagging. Just a tinge.
I've mentioned this a few times, because I want sympathy, but I'm eating 1,000 calories a day. It's not always exactly 1,000 but pretty close. It is hard. I am hungry. The missionaries came to our house a week ago and I decided to forgo the "diet" and eat with everyone else. It was the first night in two weeks I hadn't gone to bed hungry. Sometimes I save enough calories to treat myself to half a skinny cow ice cream sandwich. Wow. Those things are heavenly. Milk has never tasted so good. Today I snuck some cheese and it was de.lic.ious. Funny how good things taste when you can't have them. This week we fasted as a family for something important and I can say that fasting wasn't too hard. I was surprised to find that I felt the same as I usually do.
The previous paragraph sounds kind of sad. But, I'm thrilled to be losing weight. I hope it continues and I hope I don't gain it back. That is the goal anyway. I will not be a yo-yo dieter and I will not go back to old habits. If I'm going to put myself through this, it better last, dang it. It has been good for me. I'm excited for when I have lost all the weight I need to so I can eat more because then I won't be trying to lose weight, just maintain it. We are making changes as a family and that is good. I've said this before but we never were very unhealthy, just not as healthy as we needed to be. So we are trying new things out and I hope that we can find a good balance between exercise, enjoying food, eating healthy foods, and not eating too little or too much.
Do you know how many calories you consume a day? It's incredible really. So, for your viewing pleasure:
These puppies are Mike's favorite cookie. When I ask what cookies I should make he will always choose these. I like them too. A lot. They are 267.7 calories for a 2.3 oz cookie. Do you know how much 2.3 oz. are? Go get a food scale like we did.
This french toast is to die for. Have you tried it? If you haven't you need to stop reading this post right now and go make it. Why are you still reading? Go make this. Right now! We had this for Father's day. Actually, no. The boys and Mike had this for Father's day. I had Shredded Wheat. For 340 calories you can enjoy this little bit of heaven. (This laptop isn't letting me link to the recipe for some reason. If you want it, click on the Better than Burnt Toast recipe and find the label for breakfast).
Now, 267 calories and 340 calories are not that much. It's not like the 1,000 calories you can consume by eating a meal at McDonald's. But when you are only allowed to eat 1,000 calories a day, you can consume around a third of your daily allotment with one cookie. That's almost a meals worth.
I've mentioned this a few times, because I want sympathy, but I'm eating 1,000 calories a day. It's not always exactly 1,000 but pretty close. It is hard. I am hungry. The missionaries came to our house a week ago and I decided to forgo the "diet" and eat with everyone else. It was the first night in two weeks I hadn't gone to bed hungry. Sometimes I save enough calories to treat myself to half a skinny cow ice cream sandwich. Wow. Those things are heavenly. Milk has never tasted so good. Today I snuck some cheese and it was de.lic.ious. Funny how good things taste when you can't have them. This week we fasted as a family for something important and I can say that fasting wasn't too hard. I was surprised to find that I felt the same as I usually do.
The previous paragraph sounds kind of sad. But, I'm thrilled to be losing weight. I hope it continues and I hope I don't gain it back. That is the goal anyway. I will not be a yo-yo dieter and I will not go back to old habits. If I'm going to put myself through this, it better last, dang it. It has been good for me. I'm excited for when I have lost all the weight I need to so I can eat more because then I won't be trying to lose weight, just maintain it. We are making changes as a family and that is good. I've said this before but we never were very unhealthy, just not as healthy as we needed to be. So we are trying new things out and I hope that we can find a good balance between exercise, enjoying food, eating healthy foods, and not eating too little or too much.
Do you know how many calories you consume a day? It's incredible really. So, for your viewing pleasure:
These puppies are Mike's favorite cookie. When I ask what cookies I should make he will always choose these. I like them too. A lot. They are 267.7 calories for a 2.3 oz cookie. Do you know how much 2.3 oz. are? Go get a food scale like we did.
Congrats on the pants- fabulous feeling!
Oh, and I probably want the recipe for those cookies--are they also on "Better than Burnt Toast"?
Good luck!
I don't think anyone who has not weighed more than their husband truly comprehends how miserable it is! I know the joy of weighing less than the husband!
Keep it up, it is worth all of the sacrifice. By the way, where is the picture of the favorite new pants!
I am glad that you are losing weight. I know how much this means to you. I just hope that with such a restricted diet that you are getting the proper amount of nutrients. There is a saying in the fitness world. It goes, "the longer it takes to take it off, the longer it stays off." Are you exercising? I know how hard that is with young children (which is why I teach my step class at 5:30 am) but it is vitally important to a healthy lifestyle. Also, I wouldn't worry so much about what the scale says as much as I would about what how you feel and what your blood work says. I hope I am not offending you, that is certainly not my goal. I am just a concerned older brother.
You make some good points in your post. We (as a society) eat way too much. If we simply stuck to the recommended serving size we would all lose weight.
I'll see you in a couple of weeks!!