4th of July celebrations
We had a great 4th of July holiday. We spent Friday at the zoo. We were really disppointed in the Columbus zoo because there were so many people that we couldn't see anything. The line to the baby elephant was a 60 minute wait and there were just so many people! We hope the next time we go it won't be so crowded or I doubt we will go there again. My friend told us they went earlier in the week and it wasn't crowed at all so we are hopeful we will have a better experience next time. It is hard to not compare this zoo to the Oklahoma City zoo. We loved that zoo! In some ways the Columbus zoo is better but in many ways the Oklahoma City zoo is way better. Even though we were disappointed we still had a good day together as a family and the boys had a good time.
Saturday we went to Chelsey's house and spent the afternoon with them. We had a BBQ for us and then later some people in their ward came over for treats and fireworks. They know how to throw a party! The fireworks were awesome and there was a blow up bounce house that one of Chelsey's friend's brought. Will and Isaac loved it! We really love being by family. Thanks Chelsey and Brent for inviting us to your house
Watching the fireworks

Isaac and Will were attatched to Geoff's hip all night long.
Will was so funny to watch. He LOVED the fireworks. Look at this face!

Saturday we went to Chelsey's house and spent the afternoon with them. We had a BBQ for us and then later some people in their ward came over for treats and fireworks. They know how to throw a party! The fireworks were awesome and there was a blow up bounce house that one of Chelsey's friend's brought. Will and Isaac loved it! We really love being by family. Thanks Chelsey and Brent for inviting us to your house
Isaac and Will were attatched to Geoff's hip all night long.
The bounce house
Our flag cookie
At the zoo. Is there a cuter family?! Look at those handsome boys!
Eli loved the goats. He kept poking them and then squealing. We got a picture of him sitting on one like he does Diamond.
Our flag cookie
I was thinking about how blessed we are to live in this country. We have such an abundance. I'm so grateful for the freedoms we have. I love our country and I'm proud to be an American.