Our recent happenings

t's been awhile since I've written updates on the boys so without further ado:

Eli throws lots of tantrums whenever he doesn't get what he wants. He holds his own with the older boys. I've caught him hitting the boys on the head with toys when he's mad at them. So naughty. Eli loves to play peek-a-boo. He loves the water and I change him a million times a day because he will find any water he can and sits in it. He sings all the time and it just melts my heart. He climbs up on the chair at the piano and plays the piano while he sings his little tunes. He follows Diamond all over the house and lays on him and giggles when Diamond's tail swishes him in the face. Eli is a daddy's boy through and through. He has to be everywhere Mike is. He'd choose Mike over me any day. He is imitating everything anyone does and is communicating really well to us. He will take our hands and walk us where he wants something and when you ask if you want it he will nod his head and say, "Uh huh." He is trying to say words but mostly only makes sounds. He says, "Momma, Dada, Uh huh, No (sounds like Neh), Shoes (sounds like shuh), Dog (Dah), and Drink (ink)" He loves shoes and wants them on all day long. His climbing gives me a heart attack.

Isaac has not adjusted to this move very well. The move has brought out a side of him that I didn't know existed. He is very sensitive and worried and attached to me. He starts to cry Saturday evening as we prepare for Sunday and cries until we get home from church on Sunday. Each Sunday morning he tries to rip his clothes off and says, "I am not going to church." There are 20 -30 children in this nursery so it is really overwhelming for him. We have tried to make friends with families that have children his age and when we hang out with them he generally stays right by my side or plays next to the other kids but not with them. He throws lots of tantrums like Eli but will throw whatever is in his hands at the moment and say, "I'm so mad!" So am I little man, so am I. He is so silly and teases all the time. He says the funniest things in his cute little halting speech. I love when he sings with me at bedtime. He has a great imagination. Isaac has been potty training himself essentially. He is not someone to be pushed so my gentle prompts to go potty are usually answered with a resounding, "No" so it is best to let him do it on his own, which he usually does. I get out of the shower most mornings to find a dry diaper on the floor and Isaac in undies which means he has gone potty in the toilet without me knowing. He spends about half the day in underwear, which we let him wear whenever he wants to, and has had only a few accidents. With all this said, I am still changing plenty of diapers. He'll get it soon.

Will is still very into bodies--bones, organs, etc. He is a social butterfly. He isn't scared to talk to anyone and tells strangers our life story and has made friends really quickly here. I've heard multiple reports that he is far from shy in his Sunbeam class and Primary. Will has been lying to us recently, which makes me both sad and angry. He is very interested in scripture stories and asks for a new story at dinner every night. He loves to play tag and skip and dance. I find him huddled in a little section of his bed every night because he has a kazillion books sharing his bed with him (this is the same with Isaac too). How do they sleep? He still can't hear anything and would rather watch a show or play the computer over anything else. He is trying to earn money to pay for the jumping blowup playground at the petting zoo so he has been very helpful around the house lately.

Mike is starting school officially on Monday. We have no idea how it is going to be. Some people report they spent 80 hours a week at school and others say they just had a normal duty day, 8-5. Mike is very smart and so he has some advantage over the other guys but he is also at a disadvantage in that most of the guys in his degree have a physics background and Mike does not so he has a bit of catching up to do. He took a calculus test and scored a 40% which is awful but the highest score of everyone in his program. So, it will be interesting to see what happens this next year and a half.

I am on a diet. I eat 1,000 calories a day. I started last Wed. and I've lost 5 1/2 lbs. Some days I'm hungrier than others. I make one meal and Mike and the boys eat the leftovers while I eat frozen dinners (easier to know the calories I'm eating) and when the leftovers are gone, I make another meal. The only other thing going on in my life is noise. I can't hear myself think. So many tantrums, giggles, questions...It's good, just loud...all the time.


Lisa said…
We lead somewhat parallel lives. :) Kara used to climb like Eli when she was a baby. She survived...she just has chipped front teeth to show for it. Heidi also lied to us about silly things for a while, but she's over that now. I think they are just testing their limits at this age. It's funny and also a little scary. Heidi also tells everyone she meets our life story. She and Will would get along well. :) Good luck with your diet! Seems like you're having success. I admire your willpower!

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