In case you think I'm going to be pregnant soon...

So, I've been thinking about something for a bit lately. This is the longest I've gone without being pregnant since I got married almost 6 years ago. It's nice, a little weird, and a little sad. Let me say the first one again. It's nice.

My mom had 11 kids; most of us are two years apart. Everyone kind of expected it and would ask her and it was annoying and rude so she eventually didn't tell her family until she was in the hospital recovering from the delivery. I know people are wondering, "when will Adrianne be pregnant again?"

I'm not sure that I should talk about family planning for a few reasons. One is that it really isn't any one's business. I don't feel that talking about it is inappropriate but because it is personal, I'm not convinced that I should. When you openly talk about something it opens the gate for people to think it is their business. So I guess what I'm saying is, even if I talk about this on my blog it still doesn't make it any one's business.

First, the timing of our children was not an accident. Yes, some people actually plan to have their children that close. If you read my blog or know me you know that baby producing isn't my favorite experience in life. My sister-in-law (two of them actually) love being pregnant and one of them has said that she never feels better than when she is pregnant. We must have VERY different experiences being pregnant because I do not feel better being pregnant. I also don't love the attention I get when I'm pregnant. It is usually focused on how gigantic I am: "You must be due any day." "Actually, I have six weeks left." "Oh, so you are having twins." Sorry, not the kind of attention that makes me feel all happy inside.

My problem is not that I don't want babies. I want them--and I would be happy to have lots of them. It's the making them and then acclimating them to their new life that is my problem. I've written about my experience after having Will here. The two babies after were not nearly as hard for me but still very hard. My symptoms of depression were not as clear as those I've heard about. There was never a point where I just couldn't get out of bed or where I thought of hurting myself.

There was ONE time when I thought about leaving Will in a bush. Should I admit that? Probably not. Mike needs to censure my words. We were at this sales pitch where we got a free dinner. Will started crying right at the beginning and I was embarrassed and upset but not surprised. I took him out to the car where everyone would stop staring at us. His cries were deafening and I was so depressed. I looked out the window and there was this bush and the thought came to me, "What if I just left him in that bush and someone found him?" And then I cried at the horror of that thought. I've never had a thought like that again.

The few months after having a baby are dark for me. So I'm afraid of having another. But I want another. I know there are more to have. I am concerned about two things: What I've written about in the above paragraphs (am I emotionally ready to repeat that again?) and that physically I am not ready. This last pregnancy wreaked havoc on my body. I am overweight and have some other health concerns. Since I have about thirty pounds I'd like to lose and I lose about a pound every few months, it might take a long time before I will even consider having another baby.

I always say, "If I thought I could mentally and physically handle having all my kids this close, I'd do it." It's true. I'd love to have them all right away and have lots of them. But we can't all have what we want. I have to admit to myself that I am not ready to have another baby and that I'm not exactly young so I probably won't have a lot of them like I would like to have. In some ways that makes me sad and in others it brings me a lot of peace.


Well, I'll talk even if it's none of my business. We get questions like this ALL the time. Seriously- ALL the time. I am with you in so many ways. I wish we lived near each other...we would be such good friends. Anyway, I know there are more for me (or at least one more) and if someone knocked on my door and handed me a baby I'd take it in a heartbeat. I just don't want to be pregnant again. I'm not good at it. I am so freakin slow at losing weight and I hate hate hate the stress of "how early will the baby be?" But, maybe there will be some act of God to put me back together soon....until then- my uterus is empty.
P.S. I think you ROCK for having 3! Your boys are adorable and you're doing a great job. And, 29 isn't old (I hope). You've got a whole decade left.
I agree with what you said. I've felt the same way. I've gotten some pressure from certain family members to have more kids, and I just don't know if I can do it. I HATE being pregnant. But that's not really the real reason. I would have 5 more if that was all. But having a baby with a disability is so difficult. It's time consuming, energy consuming, money consuming. I always wanted to have 8 kids, and it really hurts that I don't think we'll have anymore. But at the same time, I'm learning to be at peace with what I've been given in life. I've been given a beautiful, amazing, strong little girl who is such a blessing, and brings us such joy, and has helped to unify us all as a family, and I'm so thankful for that. And I know that I'll be able to raise more children in the eternities. I'm doing the best that I can with what I've been given in this mortal life, and I have to learn to be at peace with that, because complaining about it won't get me anywhere.

I'm trying so hard to "find joy in the journey" and I'm glad to see that you are too. It's fun to see the mom you've become since I knew you at BYU in the Fletcher building. :)
Lokodi said…
wow, that's refreshing to hear that kind of honesty. I have problems with depression after the baby is born too. Good luck with whatever plans you and Mike decide to make. I'm sure the two of you will listen to the spirit and make your decisions according to his will for you. I have given up on making "plans" for a next baby. It will come when it comes or if it comes. It is between your spouse, yourself and the Lord. No one else. Good luck. You're definately a lot better at this whole mother thing than I am.

I've been thinking a lot lately about whether/when to have a fourth. My baby is going to be three in October, and she is now potty trained. It is BLISSFUL how much easier things are now, and yet they are still hard enough some days that I think 3 is plenty, and that I'd really like to go to graduate school or something in the next few years, etc, etc, etc.

It's a really hard decision to make. The four other times (one miscarriage) that I got pregnant, I wanted a baby sooooo badly. And I keep telling myself to wait until I feel that way again. But I, too, am only getting older.

Anyway. It's not my business, and I don't care if you have more or not, but I do think that you should talk to a doctor about your PPD/baby blues. I don't think you have to be completely debilitated in order to benefit from drugs and/or therapy. Take care of Momma!

Enjoy your blog! And your honesty, as always!
Jess and Jen said…
This is the longest I've gone since I've been married with out being pregnant too...and I'm loving it! We'll have more someday, but for now we are enjoying three girls (and still trying to figure out how to handle them!)
Rachel Allen said…
I never understood those that said they loved being pregnant. Everyone is so different because I hated it! Family planning is nobody's business but your and Mikes. Unfortunately, there are a lot of tacky/nosy people who think they need to know. I too want lots of kids, always have, but now after having a c-section and having my first at 28 years old, who knows. My advice to myself (& you if you wish) is take it one at a time. When you're physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready (well ready enough - I'll never be truly "ready").
Jess and Jason said…
I think that this is one of the most personal things. No one knows exactly what someone else is going through or feeling. We each know what we can handle and I think that it is a blessing that you can be rational about that decision. I know and see so many people who aren't and it isn't good for anyone in the family. When the time is right, it will happen and you will be ready.

If I could, I would have babies for you! I LOVE being pregnant, but cannot handle anything else right now in my life. I feel so busy and overwhelmed with what I have on my plate already, there is just no room for anyone else right now (did we seriously just get a dog!?!? what was I thinking!?!)

What is funny is that I have gotten rid of all of my baby clothes. And all of the baby supplies, no more high chair, car seat, etc. Given them away to friends and told them not to give them back. I know that if we ever decide to have more I will have to buy new baby stuff. But I can't seem to part with my maternity weird is that?!?!
Jason said…
You know I have a lot of thoughts about this subject and I completely agree with you. It is nobody else's business. You never need to justify why you did or didn't have children. Those kinds of decisions are between you, your spouse, and most importantly, the Lord.
Thanks for all the comments. I'm glad you all agree about it being a personal decision and least I know that those of you that commented won't be asking me when I plan on getting pregnant.

I hope you all know that I'm just talking, not looking for advice or affirmation or defending my decisions.
Team Clark said…
All I have to say is that I very much dislike being pregnant, too. I struggle with it every day (sorry, little baby that is inside me). I'm thrilled for when she comes out, but for now it is a very difficult thing. I'm sorry it's hard for you, too. People who don't think it is hard are very lucky - seriously lucky. I can't even imagine what that would be like!
Good luck with all of your decisions!
Dad and Mom said…
I'm usually too lazy to comment but today I feel compelled to. You and Mike are gtreat parents and you have three beautiful, health, and happy boys. What a blessing they are in your life and in the lives of all who love you. Dad and I are happy to be part of this group. We will welcome any children that come into your family and we love you all and are happy with the wonderful grandchildren that you have blessed us with. If you choose to have more, great! If not that is great too.
We love you all.
Well, I'm not saying we won't have more kids. We will have more kids. I'm just saying that I'm not planning on it RIGHT now and that it is hard for me and that I will be very nervous when the time comes. But, I'll also be excited when the time comes. And, hopefully my current concerns will not be concerns anymore or at least will be lessened. And, I think that those people that like being pregnant and don't have the difficult hormonal issues after, are cool and I wish I could be more like that. Then we would over populate the earth and people would break out in song and sing, "Zero population" or something like that when we walk by with our kids.
kura2025 said…
It's tough being that honest, especially in a public forum like blogger but I'm glad you shared. I don't have any children of my own but the post pregnancy hormone drop and resulting depression are something I worry about for my future.

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