Can you tell it's raining today?

I was trying to think of something fun for the boys this week. So, I decided to combine their two favorite things--food and dinosaurs.


1 dinosaur mold
Melting chocolates
cool whip
2 very hungry archaeologists

The boys loved digging through their cool whip to find the hidden chocolate dinosaurs.

Since the whole archaeologist thing was still fresh on our minds, I remembered something we did for the kids at Head Start. I bought plastic dinosaurs at Wal Mart for $2 and mixed them in Plaster of Paris. I let it sit for a day and voila, an excavation site! The boys loved pounding away at the plaster to find their dinosaurs.


chelsey said…
What a cool mom you are! Jake would've loved that too! I should invite myself up more often. ;)
Chersten said…
You are an amazing mom Adrianne...I am aspiring to be like you.
Cali said…
What a fun day, I'm going to have to try this. Where do you get plaster of paris? I MUST do this soon, my kids will love it! Thanks for sharing the fun idea!
Amy E said…
I can't ever think of things like this!! Good job! I may just try that molded chocolate in cool whip thing....very good, fun idea for a treat!
Rachel Allen said…
I need to log some of these good ideas.
Frances said…
You're going to need a lot of rainy day activities!!
Megan said…
I love your excavating for dinosaurs creation. So clever.

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