Our house has been spotless almost all the time in over a month. It has been stressful but also rewarding. I can't wait to get to do little projects with the boys again and not be so worried about each mess. But, I also hope we can keep up the cleanliness because it is really nice to have a clean house. Not that we were ever dirty, but now that we are super clean we think we are dirty anytime something is not where it should be. There is one thing however, that is not getting cleaned. Between cleaning myself, the boys, the yard, and the house, the van gets to be dirty. Getting all of us in the van (including the dog when someone is coming to see the house) is enough work already, let alone cleaning up after everyone. I have been in cars and vans that I felt really disgusted in and was afraid to touch anything. And I'm afraid our van is that way right now. Here are the frightening pictures.

The first picture includes Will's dance shoes, mail hastily grabbed when we were trying to leave the house for someone to come look at, the Friend magazine, and other random junk. The second picture is of a shoe that Isaac refused to wear. It was freezing and he decided he'd rather have cold feet. The shoe went untouched and his feet were cold in his spider man sandals that are three sized too small.

Spilled milk from the boys playing in the van.

Isaac had something in his mouth and I asked what it was and he told me it was a
raisin. I asked where it came from and he told me it came from his seat. Yuck.

We are donating stuff to Good Will and haven't made the trip yet. Anyone want some junk?! Well, I decided the van was too gross to let go any longer. So we cleaned the van.

Someone got a little wet.

The boys found a worm. Later I found them getting a bowl from the cupboard and a shovel of dirt on the kitchen floor. They were getting dirt and water for the worm to live in. Sadly, I think the worm was already dead.

And finally, the outside of the van was clean! It took so long to clean the outside of the van that the inside didn't even get touched. It takes a lot of work to watch three little kids and a dog while cleaning a van by a semi-busy street that looks so
appealing to an almost one year old. Anyway, maybe the inside will get done today...
Looks like it was fun (and sounds like a lot of work on your part!) to get the van washed. I'll bet your boys remember this day for a long time.