Elmo's Green Thumb or, A Date with Mom and Dad, or Why are people so nice to us?

A woman in our ward bought us these tickets to Seseame Street Live: Elmo's Green Thumb. The tickets were the most expensive seats and they were on the first row. When the characters came out they would walk right by our seats and give the boys a high-five and shake their hand. They loved it. It was getting too close to Isaac's bedtime so he was a little cranky at the end but other than that, it was a fun time. We are so grateful to the Stephenson's for being so generous to our family and letting us have such a fun evening with the boys.


Jess and Jen said…
Love Ike's faux-hawk. That's sweet. It looks like you guys had a fun time. -Jess
Pitcher Family said…
HOw fun! I'm so glad you got to go out and see elmo!

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