Will's 4

We celebrated Will's birthday on Saturday. It's hard to believe I've been a mom for four years. Will got a fever the night before and woke up with one so I took him to the Saturday clinic and found that his earache hadn't really cleared up from over two weeks ago. We got donuts for breakfast and let him and Isaac play with the pirate ship he woke up to (thank you Mom Richards!). They love the ship. Later we ordered pizza with extra pepperoni on Will's request and watch Shrek the third while we ate dinner. After dinner we ate an icecream cake and opened presents. Will was so ready to go to sleep. He asked me if it was time for bed before we even had dinner! The poor sicko. I think he really enjoyed his birthday.


chelsey said…
Ahh, the poor little guy! No fun to be sick on your bday regardless of how old you are! I hope he had fun anyway! Happy bday Will!
Papa Doc said…
I see he finally got to open his presents.

What is it with that cake?

Dad Clark
Carolina said…
Happy birthday to little Will!
Jess and Jason said…
I love the picture of him leaning on the couch with presents next to him, and he is totally oblivious! I hope he starts feeling better soon!

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