Ali Walston

I still have some friends to write about. It problably gets old and seems a little cheesy but I really want to remember those people that have touched my life. Maybe by reading about my friends, you will think about your friends and tell them how much you appreciate them. I should tell them personally instead of write it on my blog. Maybe I'll do both. Anyway, here is another friend I love. Again, if you don't make it on my blog it doesn't mean you are lower on my list of friends, these are just some friends I've recently been thinking of.

I remember the first time I saw Ali. I met her at the sprinkler park. My other Ali friend (another Ali that I love) offered to take Will to the sprinkler park while I took Isaac to the doctor (he was just a few weeks old). I went to pick Will up after the doctor and met Ali Walston. She had on a cowboy hat, had long blonde hair, and was really skinny. I was frumpy, fat, and losing hair. I thought she was way too cute to be my friend. She introduced herself and she was so friendly and acted like we had been friends forever.

Ali has an amazing ability to do that with everyone. I have seen her do the same thing to many people. When she walks into a room she treats everyone like they are important and a friend. Ali is one of the most optimistic people I know. I don't think I've ever heard her complain. I am a complainer and watching her optimism has created a desire to be more like her.

Ali is such a good mom. Her son Talon was Will's best friend. I loved having Talon over because he was so well behaved. I prayed often and thanked God for sending Will such a good friend. Ali and Talon spent ALOT of time at our house and I always loved those days. Granted, I didn't get a lot of cleaning done on those days but I loved having a friend to talk to and having someone to entertain Will and Isaac. Ali was a pro at the Love and Logic parenting. I was amazed at her ability to stop a situation in such a caring, creative way.

Isaac LOVED Ali. Sometimes when he got hurt he'd run to her over me. He called her Mommy and when she moved he cried. This was before he got his tubes and he was sick all the time and just rotten a lot of the time. It was difficult for me but Ali had such a way with him. She just showed him so much love and I always appreciated that and didn't feel jealous that he ran to her because I knew she loved him and it was just sweet to see that interaction.

When the ice storm came when Mike was in Guam I went to Ali's house after a few days and the minute she opened the door my tears started to flow and she opened her arms to me. She bathed the boys while I showered at her house, gave us food, and offered to let us stay at their apartment while they were gone. She was busy packing for a trip to Utah the next morning but she stopped what she was doing to take care of us.

Ali always remembered my birthday and when she was my visiting teacher for a few months she always had a lesson, a treat, a quote, etc. I knew she cared about me and that I wasn't just a visiting teaching assignment.

One day Ali called and asked if Will could hang out with Talon for a few hours. She picked him up and they drove to a construction site and she let the boys watch all the backhoes and bulldozers. It was Ali that taught me all the correct names for the construction trucks. When we went to the playground, Ali was always the one playing with the kids while all the other moms sat around and talked.

We were pregnant at the same time (she was just a month behind me) and I was miserable at the end and complaining and Ali never complained. Instead, she used to come get the boys and take them to their house and let them play while I got stuff done at the house. I tried to return the favor but she didn't jump at the offer too often.

I have always felt bad that I didn't/couldn't serve her as much as she served me. Ali moved about a year ago and since then I've only talked to her a few times and we've only emailed a few times but I think about her all the time and miss having her visit. Playgroup isn't the same without her. Our ward isn't the same without her. Our walks aren't the same without her. She was such a good friend to me and I hope she knows that I love her and I have a true desire to be the kind of friend she was to me. Thank you Ali!


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