A preview to our move to Ohio

I mentioned that we stopped in Ohio on our way to Maryland. We also stopped there on our way back. The boys had such a good time with their cousins. I loved being able to see my sister and her family. It snowed A TON while we were there so we went sledding the next day. We had a lot of fun and Geoff and Sarah were so sweet to help the boys go sledding for their first time ever. I think living in Ohio will be a good preparation for our move to Colorado. It's been a long time since I've lived somewhere where it snows and I am definitely not accustomed to it anymore. It was 13 degrees when we left Ohio and by the time we got back it was 67 and the next two days were in the 70's! It was a nice homecoming.


Cali said…
Looks like you had a wonderful trip, I am so glad! So, I am confused. How long will you be in Ohio before you move to Colorado? When do you move? I hope that it all goes well--keeping the house clean sure takes the fun out of being a mom, doesn't it? Just kidding! I'm sure you'll handle it all with ease. Good luck!
chelsey said…
It was a blast having you all here! We'll see you soon!
Yes you can add us to your bloglist... it's good to hear from you girl! Sorry I didn't have your email to invite ya to the shower in Jan. in Utah... your little boys are so cute!

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