The little guys

Since we are already having a love fest, I thought I'd write some things about my precious little ones.

Will, you are so smart! This morning you told your daddy and me that Jesus Christ was given a bath by John the Baptist. We told you He was baptized by John the Baptist and you continued to ask why he "bathtized" Jesus. We also loved your prayer the other night, "Please bless the dinosaur bones. Please bless that the dinosaurs will come back alive and bless that Talon and his mommy will be able to hide before they come alive." You have such a soft heart. When either of your brothers is sad you immediately try to make them happy. It is a rare occurrence to find you sad. You always want hugs and kisses and so readily give them to us. I love how friendly you are and how you always try to make friends and help everyone feel included. It is so fun to hear you use words like, "Incredible." We are so lucky to have you as our son.

Isaac, I love how you come into our room in the morning with the biggest smile and say, "Hi Mommy! Can you make me lunch?" You get in bed with me and snuggle up with me. It melts my heart. I love when I go to put you down for nap time and say, "Do you want two kisses or five kisses?" You always choose the most kisses you can have. "Do you want three hugs or one hug?" You always want three BIG hugs. We have come a LONG way from the days of you kicking me and hitting me when I put you down for naps. I love how Diamond is your pillow and you lay on him all day and when you haven't seen him for a few hours (if he's outside or we have been gone) you say, "Oh, I missed you so much. You are the best dog in the whole world." I love your broken speech. I am amazed at the words you know and what a good talker you are. We always laugh at how your words always seem so deliberate, "It. is. so. amazing. that. we get. to. go. to. playgroup." Like you are thinking of every word you say. I love your imagination and how you carry your dinosaurs with you everywhere. At lunch the other day I found you trying to wipe the sour cream off your baby dinosaur after feeding him. You like to cover them with blankets and say they are sleeping. I love how you will eat anything I put in front of you. We love your contagious laugh and teasing personality.

Eli, well, the first eight and a half months of your life were hard, hard for me. I thought things would never get better with your sleeping. The last month and a half your sleeping as become almost perfect and it amazes me that there was ever a problem. You have become so much happier now that you are rested. I love to finally see your personality emerge. What a funny baby you are. You are so quick to scream but just as quick to give a smile and laugh. I love how curious you are. I can't remember your brothers being as curious as you are. I think it is so funny how you will climb something but can't figure out how to get down. The other day I was taking a shower and you were crying when I got out. I went to find you on the elliptical machine stuck and so worried. I got you down and you put you head on my shoulder as if to tell me, "Oh, thank you mommy. I was so scared." You and Diamond are food buddies. You always steal his little treats when he is eating them (gross). You always get mad when we make you give it back. We love you baby.


The Duke said…
It's things written like this that will matter to your children when they get a little older. It's things written like this that matter to grandparents who don't get to participate in their lives except this way. We get to see a glimpse into their lives by what you write. I used to do this and send it to my mom and Mary. It was my only way to share you with them.
Thank you - it was beautiful. You have a great talent. Keep it up.
Cali said…
"Since we're having a love fest..."great way to introduce your post!

I think your boys are so amazing! I can't believe how much Eli crawls around and the trouble he gets himself into! I love hearing how caring Will is, and how snuggly/affectionate Isaac has become (really cute about the kisses!).

Your mom really said it all, and I think we all enjoy getting these glimpses into all of your lives.
Jess and Jason said…
I love your boys too! They are fantastic. I love that picture of Eli. Great hair!
Unknown said…
I have to ask, before you realize that Eli has stollen the gross dog treats from diamond, does he chew on them at all?
Andy, yes. I find his treats and dog food in Eli's mouth all the time. It is so gross to me. Poor Diamond just looks at Eli like, "Why did you take my food?"

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