Lets start with this little guy. He is seriously cute lately, still a screamer and still as clingy as a dryer sheet but cute none the less. His whole goal in life right now is to get our attention in any way possible. He is
IN LOVE with his brothers. All day long he follows them and makes noises to get them to look at them. His whole body spasms out of joy when he sees them. He is currently getting two teeth with two more right under the gums. He is standing on his own but gets scared when he catches himself. He loves to walk while you hold his hands. He loves baths and loves being outside. I'm not sure if you can see from the picture but his hair is ridiculously long and I can't bear to cut it. He has little wings and so much hair in the back I could put it in a ponytail. Mike keeps threatening to cut it but I cannot allow that yet. He is still my baby and will just have to have long hair for awhile longer. He isn't very interested in his bottle anymore so I have been trying to get enough fluid in him and sometimes forget that he is thirsty. This is really sad but yesterday I was washing the dishes and heard this slurping noise only to look down and see him drinking the water off the door of the dishwasher! You would think I never gave him fluid all day.

Take a gander at this awesome burn. I was cooking some
French Toast and had a little accident. Let me tell ya, it hurt. I had to go to a Teacher Development for Primary minutes after it happened so I doped myself up on medicine and went. It doesn't hurt anymore but I am very sad at the prospect of a "Zorro insignia" a permanent feature of my hand.
We had a slue of bad news yesterday. My dad has had multiple
strokes in his life and yesterday he had another. He is doing fine now if fine means being sent home with a "live a healthy life and good luck" from the doctor. It will be very sad to me when he actually does pass on and I hope it isn't any time soon. Even though I am not at home anymore, I still need my daddy.
We are not having strokes at our house but we did have our day topped off with some more bad news. It looks like we will not be moving in May after all and we will not be moving to Colorado after he finishes his Masters. We will be moving somewhere else (we have no idea where at this point) and then four years after that move to Colorado. Neither of us are happy at this prospect and we are working to have this changed so hopefully we will be able to blog different news later but for now, we are not putting our house on the market yet and will not be moving in April/May and Mike is disappointed that he will have to have a calling now (silly husband, does he think he gets a break?).
We feel very blessed in our family right now. We know God guides us and watches over us. We are grateful for the Plan of Happiness our Heavenly Father has for us and grateful for the myriad of blessings we receive daily.