By the sweat of our brows we will toil

Yesterday was a busy day for us. We are getting our house ready to put on the market. We woke up and immediately got to work. Our to-do list looked like this:

-fill in holes made by Diamond in our backyard
-fix neighbors fence that Diamond broke while we were gone
-clean backyard--pick up the branches our neighbors cut from their tree into our yard, rake up all the ruined toys from Diamond biting anything left in the backyard.
-wash all the windows
-clean all the bedrooms
-vacuum all the bedrooms
-wash the dishes
-paint cupboard doors
-put handles on the drawers already dry
-paint the spots needing touch-up in the extra room
-put Isaac's bed together
-meet with real estate agent
-buy refreshments for the Teacher Development meeting tonight
-switch some laundry
-researched new vacuums

At 9:30 PM we finished what we needed to do and today we are taking a break (besides the Teacher Development meeting and the Ward Council meeting). Tomorrow we are right back to being busy again. Mike is concerned about fixing anything that needs fixing but I am concerned about keeping the house spotless while the house is on the market. His job is basically done once it is on the market but mine is just starting. Mike is really good about helping me when I need it so I know he will be a lot of help in the evenings but it is still stressful to try and keep everything clean. I'm really thankful our house is in as good shape as it is in. We don't have to make a lot of major changes, mainly just deep cleaning and fixing random things here and there. Anyway, every so often feelings of anxiety start to creep in. Last night at 9 PM when I was driving to the store to pick up the refreshments for tonight I started feeling anxious and I just had the thought, "Be not cumbered." I realized that I just need to do my best and pray that someone is looking for our house and that everything will work out just fine. It really made me feel better. The house is not on the market yet but will be very soon and then I will just have to continue to keep in my mind that it doesn't really matter if a toy is out of place or the sink isn't as clean as I want it to be, etc. It is a really exciting time in our lives right now mingled with a little sadness that the end is drawing very soon.


Nolo and Lauren said…
man... i'm tired just reading your list. hope it all goes well.
chelsey said…
When our house went on the market I worried about keeping it clean too. I found it was almost easier to have a backpack full of snacks, daipers, and other random things in the closet ready to go out at a moments notice. We spent a LOT of time at the parks and swimming pool that summer. It's definitly hard, but worth it when it sells. It'll all turn out okay!
Carolina said…
Good luck with everything. I can't imagine keeping our house market-ready with Alex on the loose. I thought it was hard when it was just me and Kendall!

The funny thing is, though, that when we were looking at houses, we didn't even notice a toy here or there, etc. I think people are pretty forgiving.
Zach and Nikki said…
How do you do all that with three kids?! In any case, what an exciting time for you, as well as overwhelming! Good luck, I think it would stress me out too if I knew I had to keep my house clean at all times for any unexpected walk-throughs.
Keep in mind when reading the following comment that we are at least a year and a half from even looking for our first home. In any case, I think that when we do have a house that we need to sell, I will easily be able to convince Laura that a few months visit with the kids to her folks home would be a good idea. I'd then be able to keep the house clean without the kids mess, and hopefully pack and move too. In several years when we're in that situation, I'll let you know how that works out...
Amy E said…
Wow...I don't know how you did it with three little ones! Amazing. Good luck with everything! If you want an idea for a good vacuum, I just bought an awesome one last week that I LOVE. Email me or something.
Mike said…
Lauren, it will be fine, just stressful. Thanks for the encouragement.

Chelsey, that is a great idea. I think I will have a bag packed ready to go at a minute's notice.

Carolina, that is good to know! When we met with a realtor she said something like everyone knows it is normal not to have a perfectly clean house but when they go look at someone's house buyers are always looking for perfect and like to pretend that someone else DOES have a perfectly clean house at all times. Great. Wish me luck.
Mike said…
Oops, I forgot I was answering comments...

Nikki, it is overwhelming with three kids to keep it clean. I will just have to do my best.

Andy, that is funny that you said that. My mom wants me to move with them while the house sells. Maybe it's not such a bad idea. Good luck in Iraq. We are praying for you both.

Amy, we bought a new vacuum this week. It is the first new vacuum we have ever owned. Our first one was $8 from DI and the second one was free from someone that was throwing it away. I really wanted a Dyson but we just can't buy that yet.

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