Yikes! Two posts in one day?!

Today Eli is 9 months. 9 months! Time is just flying by. I already leaked out all Mr. Eli's secrets in a previous post so in honor of this 9 month mile stone I want to quickly say how much I love him. Eli is so curious. I was cooking dinner and turned to find Eli doing his favorite thing--playing in the fridge. I know there are some people that would just die to know that I let my fridge stay open when I'm not actually getting something out but I have discovered that Eli stays very happy and content playing in the fridge and I am therefore, able to cook a lot easier. You can see in the picture the containers on the floor. He loves to take them out and throw them on the floor and then he picks them up and bangs them on the floor or throws them again. Sometimes I get in the fridge later and find a container has been opened somehow and little Eli finger prints in the food only to see turn and see him with food all over himself.

There are times that I am just amazed at his curiosity. I can see the wheels turning in his head as he watches things almost like he is thinking, "Oh, what is that noise? I must find out what that is." and then he is off!

Eli has the most expressive eyes I've ever seen. His eyes can tell me just about anything I want to know about what he is thinking. One of my favorite things he does is wink with his whole face. I don't know how to explain it any better than that. Just imagine a wink and then imagine someone's whole face doing that. He will stare at you and then wink his face at you when you look, sometimes with a smile and sometimes not. So cute.

Another thing I really love about Eli is that he babbles non-stop. He is really talking to me, I just can't understand what the heck he's saying.

His hair is so long already that I will be surprised if he makes it a few more months without a hair cut. I know it is crazy but I just love it.

We love that Elijah is a part of our family. I'm thankful that love just expands and that there is no cap to how much love you can have for someone.


I love that red hair! And, I too would do anything to be able to cook dinner a little easier. What a great mover! 9 months only? My kids looked like that at one year! He'll be walking in no time!
chelsey said…
What a cutie! He's going to be so much fun to get to know better!

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