Isaac looks sad that he is going to be in Nursery without Will. He has another little friend, Abby in Nursery but she is going on an extended vacation with her mom and brother (dad is being deployed) so he is all by himself in Nursery until the next wave of little munchkins go to Nursery. Isaac is pretty easy going about playing with anyone so I don't think he will mind too much that the next kid to join him is a year younger. He will, however, give Baby Clayton the stink eye weekly I'm sure, since he has a hard time understanding why little kids steal his toys.

These two boys are the best friends in the entire world. I was sad see them broken up. Isaac kept asking Will if he could go to Primary with him. After Primary, Isaac saw Will in the hall and he ran down the hall yelling, "William! I nuve you!" and gave him a huge hug. So sweet. And finally....

the newest member of the Midwest City 1st Ward Primary! He did awesome. He got to participate in Sharing Time and asked if we could sing I am a Child of God during singing time. There is a little boy whose parents are inactive. They came to church yesterday and I took Will over to say hi to them and introduced Will to the little boy. I told them that Will would like to show him where to go for Primary. After sacrament I told Will to go find his friend and Will ran over to the little boy, grabbed his hand, and said, "Come on." Then he just took him upstairs. The parents were very happy to see Will be so sweet to their little boy and I was proud of Will for being so nice and being so big. He knew exactly where to go and showed the boy where to sit. I was very surprised because I imagined I would have to take Will over there and walk them both up to class but Will just took charge. I'm very sad and also really happy to see that Will is in Primary. Having Will in Primary is just one more step towards seeing him go to school and leaving me! It also makes me feel so old to have a child in Primary. But I know Primary is where he should be and I'm excited to watch him learn about his Heavenly Father.

Here are Jason and Calista Choate, oh, and baby Kaylena. We had a kickin' New Year's Eve party. The missionaries and the Choates came over for appetizers. After the missionaries left we played the Wii. We were all surprised that Mike didn't kick the Choates out at 10:00. Mike has a habit about kicking people out when he gets tired of visiting. It is embarrassing but sometimes convenient. Mike kicks the Choates out all the time so they are used to it...and still like us! Oh, and Mike kicking people out has nothing to do with whether or not he likes you. He'll kick anyone out! Anyway, he didn't kick them out and we had a great time and only kind of started to fall asleep before midnight. Thanks for playing with us Jason and Calista.
It's crazy that Will is that big! You're not that old, Adrianne. Just feels like it sometimes, I'm sure. :)
And your boys are cute as ever!
I, too, wish you were closer to Jess's kids and Adam's kids. Your boys would have so much fun with them.
It's so fun to see all the kids grow up and become their own little "persons" (if that makes sense).
Happy 2008 right? hahahaha
ps: we're glad to know that being kicked out is not related to whether ya'll like us. shwew
Out of nursery! I can't imagine. I'm still waiting for Alex to be old enough for nursery.