Some pictures I will try and paint

I don't think I'm good enough to paint the buffalo picture but I really love it. My brother Jess took that one. Chelsey took the water drop one and Gillian took the sunflower one. My dad has always been into taking pictures and I think my siblings are following in his footsteps. My brother Adam has some amazing pictures that I wish he would send on to me. I love them. Anyway, here are some that I will try and do next.


Chersten said… continually amaze me.
gillian said…
I am happy that you chose to paint my picture! I should send you more of the ones I have and see if you can paint me a picture for my room. You are really good!
Mandi said…
I'm so proud of you for dusting off your creativity. Honestly, sometimes I think that's what keeps me from drifting slowly into some non-entity that three kids call mom. Like the blob or something. So, you obviously have the talent. Have fun!
Carolina said…
I had no idea you could do this! Amazing.
chelsey said…
Way to go chica! It's about time you picked up a paint brush for fun again!
Team Clark said…
Those are great pictures. And I bet you could paint anything, Adrianne.
I'm sure that Adam would love to send you any of his pictures. He loves to share stuff like that with people - you just have to get him to actually do it! :)
Zach and Nikki said…
Yay- you're going to paint again! I love the picture you painted for me- it's still up in our house! I love telling people that my roommate painted it and that she had no formal training.

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