Odds and ends

Isaac sleeping with his dinosaurs by him.
Eli is following his dad and brother's example by climbing everything he can.

The boys just being silly.

Proof that Isaac is going potty. He went during his bath. I thought it was funny to find bubbles from his bath all over the toilet.

We are leaving to Maryland (with a stop in Ohio to visit Chelsey) tomorrow. We are leaving at 4 AM because it is a 14 hour drive from here to Ohio. Of course, it will really be about 16 hours with all the stops. We have tried to prepare as well as we can to make this trip a smooth one. This will probably be the only time our kids will get to watch DVD's to their hearts content. I honestly don't care if they want to watch movies the entire way. Every trip we go on the person in the passenger seat has to read the driver a book. We went through about half of the Harry Potter series on trips. Today the boys and I are going to the library to get some books to read. I don't know about anyone else but when we go on trips we usually think it is our excuse to eat junk food the entire time and then we always feel so sick by the end of the car trip--not this time! I am determined to keep us all feeling great at the end of this car trip. I have made snack bags (raisins, pretzels, popcorn, etc.) for the boys that will only be distributed at certain times on the trip. Besides, I am at my lowest weight since about two years ago so I am going to try not to gain any weight on this trip, which will be hard because my mother-in-law has the BEST food at her house. Anyway, today is a busy day for us. We are excited to see our family on both sides.

Here are some things the boys have been doing lately:

On Sunday we asked Will what he learned about. He said, "I learned about Daniel and the Lion King."

Isaac has been going potty lately and he earned a toy for filling his page up with stickers from all this potty trips. He, of course, chose dinosaurs. I told him he couldn't sleep with ALL of them in his bed. He was really upset with that but I told him he could have them sleep NEXT to him. So he proceeded to line all this dinosaurs up next to his bed.

And finally, Eli is crazy. Mike's mom calls Mike a monkey. Apparently Mike climbed everything. My boys all climb things constantly. Is that a boy thing? Eli is no exception. We have been painting some more so our ladder was out. I found him on the first step which is just ridiculous to me! He was trying so hard to get to the second step. He is so little for that sort of behavior. It won't be long before I find him up trees.


blondeviolin said…
You can get books on tape or CD from the library...so then nobody has to be the reader. We've done it a couple of times...

I thought our kids would watch shows all the way here, but nope. I almost wish they would have...LOL

Hope your trip goes smoothly!
Nolo and Lauren said…
I hope you have a safe non-eventful trip.
Carolina said…
Good luck with the trip!
Jason said…
This time in your life will pass by so quickly and you will find yourself wondering where it all went. I love the picture of the boys jumping on the couch. It reminds me of when my boys were that young. I don't think I appreciated it enough and I really wish I had.
Papa Doc said…
I needed a good laugh today and I got one. Daniel and the Lion King--really!

Is he the boy who told who said about Chelsey, "That boy's (Jake's) lady had hair like yours?

See you later.

Dad Clark
Jess and Jason said…

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