I'm green with jealousy that Mike is in sunny California without me

Mike is out of town this week. Things have gone very well. The boys have been great and we have gotten a lot done. I have learned a few things this week.

1. Mike will eat things on a trip when he is with other people he will not eat at our house--fish. Of course, it was fish or really, really expensive steak. The fish dinner was around $30 so I can't even imagine what the steak cost. Those Californians....

2. My mother-in-law had the right idea when she told her kids the dog just "ran away" when really she gave it away. If I were a single mom I would not own a dog--A single woman, maybe but definitely not as a single mom. Oh how naive I was to think Diamond wouldn't be that big a deal. All you that left comments telling me I was brave can tell me I told you so. He is a great dog, but a big fat black pain!

3. I would be even fatter and wear make-up even less if I were a single mom. Plus, my house would be a disaster. Why get dressed if you don't need to pretend for your husband that you did something productive during the day? Ok, that's not true. We've been very productive. But still, who has time or energy to exercise at the end of a long day when you don't have help?

4. I've been sleeping with scissors and Mike's power drill by my bed. Seriously, if someone were to break into our house I doubt those will be very effective weapons but at least I could poke an eye out or something.

5. All this time I thought I was the reason we were always getting to bed late. I have had great plans to be in bed early every night this week but thus far have only gotten in bed by 11:30. I can hear Mike laughing to himself while he watches Bill O'Rilley (uninterrupted) in his quiet (though boring) hotel room after eating a ridiculously expensive meal at some posh restaurant in New Port Beach. Certainly I am not the one savoring every last minute of peace and quiet before retiring to bed. I know it isn't me that wants to lay in bed talking forever because there hasn't been any adult conversation the rest of the day. No, Mike is the reason we are continually having bags under our eyes.

I miss him and can't wait until he gets home.


Marcy said…
If you were a single mom you WOULD let certain things go. But, I doubt it would be your exercise--it's a must, especially in times of change and redefining who you are. I'll tell you what's had to give for me: home-cooked meals. I do a lot less of those now. We have more peanut butter sandwiches and whatever. No husband to care what we eat? Kids picky? I'm not slaving over a stove just for me to appreciate it!

And, I'm glad to hear that I was right to not follow my mom's suggestion and get a dog. But I also don't have any sharp weapons around me while I sleep--should I rethink that?
Joe and Liz said…
I loved your list....the scissors and power drill crack me up!! I'm sure it would do the trick though! :)
Cali said…
Oh Adrianne, how I wish you weren't alone! Though, your sense of humor about it all is very amusing. Why a power drill? Interesting choice.

Hope he hurries home!
Marcy, I know what you mean about the cooking. I try really hard to still make healthy meals when Mike is gone but it is hard for the same reasons you stated.

Liz, I still haven't added you to my list...I will soon.

Cali, we are getting our house ready to sell and I have been using the power drill to take the hallway cabinets down so I could paint them. It was already by my bed so it seemed like a good choice.

It really has been a pretty good week. We've been busy, the boys have been wonderful, and we've had fun. We get to do things when Mike is gone that we normally don't do, like eat out and play at McDonald's for over an hour (!) and watch movies while eating lunch in the living room, and having fun treats. I figure we need to make it fun while daddy is gone, it helps me not to worry about things that happen without him being around.
Jess and Jen said…
I always sleep with something by my bed while Jess is gone so that I can attack any intruders and I sleep with my phone in the bed with me. We always buy Mug root beer when he's out of town (random, I know, but it works for us!) and usually eat pizza one of the nights he's gone. Like you, I usually end up in bed later than normal...for me it's because once I go to bed I'm just alone in a dark scary house (I should really grow up, huh?)

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