Would Baby Jesus be offended?
Last night was the ward Christmas party. I was excited about the Nativity put on by the Primary because Isaac was going to be a lamb and Will was going to be the star--our first performance by our children. Last Sunday Will ran up to me when they were practicing in the cultural hall looking so concerned. I asked him what was wrong and he said, "I don't know how to be a star." He was so worried and his dance teacher (she is in our ward) and her daughter (also a dancer) told him to spread his arms and legs out wide to be a star. So he talked all week long about being a star. Isaac had no idea what was going on so he didn't care.
The time for the Nativity came and we went behind the stage to take the boys up and help them get their costumes on. Isaac, was an adorable lamb. I didn't bring my camera but he was so cute I'm making the girl that made his costume bring it to my house so I can take a picture of him to post on here later.
Will had a chair behind all the kids to stand on and they came to give him his star to wear over his head like a necklace. He said, "No, I'm going to be a star like this." and then proceeded to put his arms and legs out wide. They told him he could do that but asked if he would wear the star too. He refused. Mike said he would stand to the side of the curtain where no one would see him and hold the star over Will's head. Will was still moping but he agreed to that plan. Then the girls leading the Nativity realized that they were on angel costume short and since Will didn't want to wear the star they asked if one of the girl's could hold the star next to him. He refused. He said he didn't want to be on the stage anymore. After begging him we decided that if he didn't want to we weren't going to make him. The minute we left the stage he decided that yes, he did want to go back up. But he still refused to be the star.
The Nativity was great. Isaac was more interested in the lighted tree next to him than anything else (his little friend was about as interested in performing as Isaac; she was running across the stage waving to her parents). Will, however, stole the show. He sat on the chair picking his nose the entire time. I was a proud momma.
The time for the Nativity came and we went behind the stage to take the boys up and help them get their costumes on. Isaac, was an adorable lamb. I didn't bring my camera but he was so cute I'm making the girl that made his costume bring it to my house so I can take a picture of him to post on here later.
Will had a chair behind all the kids to stand on and they came to give him his star to wear over his head like a necklace. He said, "No, I'm going to be a star like this." and then proceeded to put his arms and legs out wide. They told him he could do that but asked if he would wear the star too. He refused. Mike said he would stand to the side of the curtain where no one would see him and hold the star over Will's head. Will was still moping but he agreed to that plan. Then the girls leading the Nativity realized that they were on angel costume short and since Will didn't want to wear the star they asked if one of the girl's could hold the star next to him. He refused. He said he didn't want to be on the stage anymore. After begging him we decided that if he didn't want to we weren't going to make him. The minute we left the stage he decided that yes, he did want to go back up. But he still refused to be the star.
The Nativity was great. Isaac was more interested in the lighted tree next to him than anything else (his little friend was about as interested in performing as Isaac; she was running across the stage waving to her parents). Will, however, stole the show. He sat on the chair picking his nose the entire time. I was a proud momma.
You might want to teach Will a new song that Ammon learned from the respiratory therapist yesterday:
"I like to kiss my honey
When her nose is wet and runny.
Some people think it's funny
But it snot."
This is a play waiting to be written.