One: The day started out with Isaac throwing a fit, that lasted about 40 minutes, at breakfast because he didn't want to eat. That started everything out on a positive note.
Two: Mike usually ruins the surprises for me--he just gets so excited he can't hold it in. This year, Mike did a great job surprising me and he really spoiled me.
Three: Will ate so much candy that he threw up "chocolate sludge" as Mike calls it.
Four: Finally, Mike made the comment that every where he's lived people have told him, "If you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes and you'll get something else." But Oklahoma is really the only place he has lived (and I have to agree) that that statement is actually true. Last week we had temperatures in the 20's and 30's. On Christmas, and the day following,we enjoyed weather in the 70's. We took advantage of the beautiful weather by going for a walk on Christmas day and playing with their new wagon in the backyard. Today it is back into the 30's. So, we will always remember that our last Christmas in Oklahoma we went for a walk without any jackets!
Jessie, did you have a good Christmas?
Mom, it is so much fun now that we have kids and now that they understand what is happening.
Mandi, sounds like the tantrums aren't unique. I hope you had a great Christmas.
Liz, of course you can add me to your blogroll. I will add you too if that is ok. Your little girls are so cute! It is amazing to see Abby looking so big. I think it has been almost four years since I've seen you! That is crazy to me. Anyway, I'm so glad I found you.
Looks like you had a fun Christmas. We miss you guys!