The first of the rooms finished (almost)

All we have left to do is reassemble things (fix the fan, put in brighter lights, etc.) and paint the floor boards. We were going to paint them a darker color but it was way too dark so we need to go buy some white paint. But the majority is done. I think we will paint our living room or dining room next but haven't picked a color yet. Any ideas?

After--it's darker than we thought and kind of purplish brown. We didn't recognize it was purplish until we painted it but I think we both like it.

Does anyone know why you can click on some of our pictures and not others?


Jess and Jen said…
Paint is good! The rooms are looking great. Jen and I are considering a new paint job in our bedroom.

As far as the pictures, it's gotta do with how you load them in your post, I'd think. Did you do the first one different than the other two? -Jess
Jess and Jen said…
Oh, Jess' first paragraph is exactly what I was going to write! I love the color of the bathroom! Isn't it fun to change the rooms to how you want it!

chelsey said…
I like the color too! You should hang silver frames with nature artwork on the wall in there. Something neutral that isn't too personal. That'll help potential buyers put themselves in the space.
Carolina said…
Wow--I don't know where people come up with the energy to do these projects. It looks great.
Papa Doc said…
Remember that dark paint makes rooms look smaller. You might want to consider that if you know you are going to sell the house in the next year.
The color is very nice but I wouldn't go anywhere near that dark in the living room.
Mandi said…
Whatever color you choose for the living room, please, please don't do beige. How boring. That's just a personal preference, of course.

I'm with everyone else about the bathroom. I like the color.
We aren't doing beige for the living room but we also don't want to do something too dark. Also, the people that lived here before loved green. Our entire house is green (and yellow). So the carpet is like a sea green and not much goes with it. We are going to have to pretend it matches with the paint or we have very limited choices. We are not going to spend the money to get new carpet.

Mom, I agree that dark rooms look smaller, generally. I was worried about doing a dark color in the bathroom but we actually don't noticed that the bathroom is smaller. If it looks small in the pictures, it is because it is small. We are just going to get some really bright lights. I really like the color.
Elder Richey said…
I love the color. I love the contrast between the white sink and toilet and the darker walls. Very nice.
Pitcher Family said…
It looks great! I love to change and update our house. Today I am changing the border in Mikayla's room. Keep showing us your great work!!
Team Clark said…
I like the brown! Although, is it really purple? I can't tell from the pictures. And I'm sure that using white for the trim will look excellent.
We have a color called "sienna sand" through out a lot of our house - living room, office, kitchen, stairwell, hallway, etc. It's a yellowish tan color and we love it. But I'm a big fan of tan - so that might look good in those other rooms.
Looks great, though!
Amy, it is brown--sea lion brown. It just has a purplish tint to it in some lights. I wouldn't call it purple though.

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