Another one of those random posts I like to write

Diamond ate our thumb drive so we will have a series of non-picture posts for awhile and then when we get a new thumb drive we are going to clog up our blog with all the pictures we have taken.

1. Nothing interesting has happened to us this past week. We did go to this awesome children's museum (my new favorite place) and the boys were in love with the place. So, that was fun. I'm so glad our friends invited us to go with them. Other than that though, nothing really interesting. And yet, that isn't stopping me from posting now is it?

2. You know those dreams where you wake up and you are at school with only your underwear on? Well, I've had a similar experience lately only it wasn't a dream and didn't have anything to do with underwear. Just a horrible recurring experience that is just as humiliating the eighth time as it was the first. Have you ever had an experience like that that kept happening over and over and was so embarrassing? It was so ironic that I came home and told Mike and he and I just laughed--even though it isn't funny--because we couldn't believe it happened again.

3. Then we also got a stomach bug this weekend. It started with Will and he was more upset about throwing up on his hand and the toilet than he was about throwing up. He went right back to sleep and was fine the next morning except for a little potty accident. Then Mike and I got it and we are just starting to feel better today. I lost some poundage so I guess all I have to do is get sick and not eat for two days to lose weight.

4. I am flying home on Wed. for my brother's wedding. My brother Ammon, the one that just had surgery, has croup. Awesome. I'm hoping by the time we get there it won't be contagious so little Eli won't get it. And of course, hope Ammon gets better soon. He has really bad luck--or something.

5. Will just got a freakin' ton of clothes from a little friend. I felt a little bad about accepting them all because I have nothing to give to them and I can't even imagine how much all those clothes must have cost. He could wear a different shirt for probably two weeks or more. Mike said he's glad we keep making friends with people that are wealthier than us or at least that dress their kids better than us.

6. We just got this awesome wheat grinder (early Christmas present) from my wonderful mother-in-law. We were going to bust it out this weekend and make some bread but then we got sick and didn't want to eat. But, I'm so excited to use it and I know it will help us in our quest to be even healthier.

7. Mike has almost made up his mind about which degree to do so if you haven't voted hurry because you only have a week and a half to go. We're going to keep you all in suspense for a little longer.

I'm all out of random things to write.


Cali said…
I'm so glad that you get to go see family soon. I only wish that our trips coincided! We will be passing through UT on the first of November as we make our way to Idaho for Nate's next rotation. Have fun! And then have some more fun!
Amy E said…
Please tell your family hello for me! I can't believe David is getting's hard not to think of your younger siblings as "little" still! Have fun in UT
Zach and Nikki said…
So you're not going to tell us what the funny recurring embarassing incident is? You've got me curious.
I'm sorry you guys were sick, Lincoln went through that last week also, but fortunately he was the only one that got it (knock on wood).
Jess and Jason said…
I think I know the recurring thing...just start punching people in the neck. It will help you feel better!

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