We have such an exciting life

Last night we had a family home evening on how to care for our pets. We taught the boys how to feed Diamond and talked about treating him nicely. We decided after Isaac took the scissors to Diamond's nose on Saturday, making him bleed, that we better teach him about being nice.

Mike has had a busy few weeks at work. They had a bomber summit here in Oklahoma and Mike got the job of picking up generals...well, here's the absolutely ridiculous part--he didn't actually pick them up, he picked up their luggage, took it to their hotel for them, and then took it back to the airport when the summit was over. One of them never said a word to him. Mike is really unimpressed with some pilots (no offense to anyone that reads this that might have a pilot for a husband, we're sure your husbands aren't like these guys). All we have to say about it is that while they might believe they are better than everyone else, they aren't. I don't understand why someone becomes a general and suddenly isn't human anymore. Who can't pick up their own luggage? Like Mike has nothing more important to do than waste his time picking up luggage.

Ammon is back home now. I talked to him on the phone today and apparently I've been inducted into the "crazy club." I don't know why anyone would think I could qualify for the club...

My fifth anniversary is in nine days. We have nothing planned but I'm hoping to get a nice dinner and a night out. We wanted to go to the same place we went last year but I think the baby is too young to be left overnight. I'm going to try my hardest to convince Mike we need some kind of cruise or something in the next year. So, by royal decree (I'm royalty in my family--the mom is always queen), there can be no weddings, reunions, deaths, etc. from either side of our families.

Mike earned a free day at work for good behavior (I actually don't know why--winning CGO of the quarter?). He's at the Bishop's storehouse doing some dry packing for our food storage, and then I think we might do something. I was thinking the state fair but it is really expensive for us cheapos so I'm not sure what we'll do. The weather has been fabulous so we will probably go on a walk. I just discovered that he won one last year too and didn't use it.

One last thing, we had our Primary Teacher Development on Sunday and I spent a lot of time preparing. I think it was a success and it reminded me how much I love to teach. I'm glad it's over and now we just have our Primary presentation in November.


Yes, most pilots are EXACTLY as you describe. I call it a "God complex." This is why we are so picky about our friends....and don't have that many! (in the military anyway) A cruise sounds so nice...anything sounds so nice. We've never been away together over night...we should do it.
blondeviolin said…
I wish I would have read this earlier than tonight because I would have told you that today (the 16th) was free for all military members and their spouses!
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Lokodi said…
Yes, most pilots are all that way. I hated working with most of them when I was a flight attendant. I've noticed all the helicopter pilots in the army think they are pretty much Gods as well. "God complex" is exactly what they have.

You'd be surprised at what the Generals have done for them. They have someone to do their food shopping, cooking, etc. I'm suprised they don't have someone to wipe their bottoms after they use the toilet. hee hee hee. Oh wait, maybe they do. They sure have enough people kissing their bottoms. I find it so funny when I'm in close proximity with a high ranking man and watch the other men grovel at their feet. Quite entertaining. But, one things for sure, the airforce is SO much better than the army. What's this all about? Off for good behavior? That would never happen in the army. That's awesome.

I'm sorry to hear about the dog's nose. Ike sounds like he's a lot like Eva...a major handful. :)

Jess and Jason said…
I love that picture of Eli. He looks adorable! I feel sad for your poor doggy! I am sure my children would come up way worse things to do to a pet.

I know some doctor's that must think they are pilots! In nursing we have a saying (it is a little crude, sorry) that could apply to pilots, generals, docs, etc. "He has to wipe his butt just like the rest of us."

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