Things on my mind

1.I'm searching for a "thing" for me and Mike--do all couples have a "thing"?
2.I ran over my baby with our stroller--he has road burn on his nose and face
3.The next six years of our lives are planned out for us with Colorado in our future
4.Utah here I come
5.We've lost almost $5,000 in stocks in the last year
6.Surprisingly good food findings

Do you have any interest in hearing more about any of the above?


Jess and Jen said…
Yeah, what's the "thing" thing? Is that like Maui and having girls are Jen and my things?

I'm surprised any of my 401k even remains... It's been rough for everyone. Good thing I've got 30 more years!
Marcy said…
Food, food! I've always wanted dancing to be part of my "thing" with my special someone. Another good one I think is reading books together.
Lisa said…
One time, when Heidi was like 18 mos, she climbed out of the stroller and I ran over her because I wasn't paying attention to her, but talking to my neighbor instead. Embarrassing. So, you're not the only mother to ever run over their child with a stroller.
Pitcher Family said…
We don't have a "thing" that I know of. Poor baby!! I don't want to think about money, but I love to think about food!! What have you found??
Jess and Jen said…
I think I'm most interested in number 4! I'm so excited to see you and Eli next month!
Jason said…
Michelle and I were married 12 years before we found our "thing". We both love teaching at the gym. Other than that, there isn't much that we do together. I love to read, she doesn't. She loves to be around people, I don't. The list goes on. However, I don't think that it is necessary for a couple to have a thing to have a great relationship.

I had to laugh about the stroller incident. I hope he is okay.
Carolina said…
I am intrigued by all of them, but the stroller incident is a must-explain.
Rachel said…
I want to know more about Colorado and Utah. Sorry to hear about the stroller incident.
blondeviolin said…
Oh, Eli's face isn't as burned as I'm sure you feel it is. Things like this happen. LOL

So does that mean Mike got the teaching job? Or am I reading into it? And why Utah? So yeah, I'd like to know more too. LOL

And I'm pretty sure Dan and I have no "thing". What is this "thing" you speak of?
Cali said…
Tell us about it all! i swear that the only "thing" that Nate and I have is that we are married! Though he has started to teach me tennis--except that it is too hot here to play. Hmmm. But, we are happy together.
Zach and Nikki said…
I want to hear more about Colorado too- is it decided then?
I'm sorry about the stroller incident. Last year while I was at a Halloween parade, the entrance to get in to the place was 2 cans of food. Well, I stooped down to fix Lincoln's costume and a can of food fell out of the diaper bag on my shoulder and onto Lincoln's head. I felt horrible! Fortunately the can hit him on it's blunt side, but still...!
Nolo and Lauren said…
wow... all of them sounds like particularly fabulous blogs. unfortunately, I think the 5K is a fairly common trend that just depresses. the stoller is a definite must.
I have interest in hearing about all of them....sorry about running over the's so sad! And, sorry about the good for you to have some to invest though! (Even if it did get lost....we just are going to hide cash in our mattress)
Does every couple have a thing?? I don't think so. Mike and I love to play games, watch movies, and we love going to the gym together. We never get to do that anymore, but we take walks with the kiddies whenever possible. Some nights we lay in bed and read (separate books). We don't always have time to have a thing...but sometimes we do. Good luck finding yours.
Jess and Jason said…
I am most interested in food. As always, I think that is my "thing"!
Anonymous said…
Adrianne. You have so many people always responding to your blogs! It blows my mind. Gosh I cant wait to see you and Eli!!

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