Our weekly update
Ok, we will go youngest to oldest
Eli is like a real person now. It is a lot of fun. He has been giggling a lot and rolls over every time we put him down. He is really good at grabbing things and has a few times gotten on his knees. I got a picture of him after he peed on Mike's side of the bed. He apparently thought it was hilarious. If you look on the left of him you will see the wet spot. He's super squirmy lately and can wiggle himself all over the place. I'm always surprised to see where he has wiggled to when I go out of the room and come back.
Isaac got tubes in his ears on Friday. I was pretty nervous about it. It was really hard for me to just give him over to strangers and hope everything turned out ok. Even though it was only for a few minutes, it was still scary for me. The nurses said he didn't cry once. He was a little scared and said to the nurses, "Hold me!" as they got closer to the operating room. They said most kids start crying the minute they wake up but he didn't cry--he just asked for a drink. They brought him back to me and was fine until he couldn't see his blanket (it was being brought in on the bed and it hadn't gotten to the room yet). He got really upset when he realized they weren't letting us leave for an hour. He cried for forty minutes straight and just kept saying, "Daddy! Daddy!" He would grab my hand when I'd sit down and say, "No sit! Come on mommy. Let's go." When they finally said we could go he basically ran out of the room. We got him some ear plugs so he could take a bath last night and he didn't want to take them off. He wanted to sleep with them in his ears. It took some time to convince him that he could wear them again later. Also, this next bit is totally unrelated but, he has peed in the toilet today 3 times!!
Will did really well this past week without TV. He didn't seem to miss it too much. He took apart his tool bench so he could be like Mike and helped me make banana bread. We had a good week hanging out. He really needs some more friends though. He was playing in our huge green laundry basket and pretending it was a plane. I heard him say, "Ok, let's go to Utah." I can only assume he is pretending to fly there to see Talon. Today in Nursery it was just him and Isaac. He kept saying, "When are my friends coming down to Nursery?" He's been praying every night that a friend will move into the ward for him to play with.
Mike bought a Wii. I'm hoping it was worth the money because I'm not really sure when any of us will have time to play it. We go out on dates every other week and the other weeks take the boys with us or do something at home when the boys are asleep. We usually end up watching a movie so now that we have the Wii can add something else to our dates. Mike is going to Colorado on Wed. night for his interview for the teaching position at the Air Force Academy. He had to get his picture taken. He looks so serious!

There Isn't really anything to report about me this week except one terribly surprising and embarrassing piece of information. Mike had put the movie Spartacus down on our Netflix list and I can tell you I was really excited to watch it. I finally decided we better watch it so we could get a new movie. We started watching it and I realized I'd seen the movie before! So, while some people go their whole lives missing out on the opportunity to watch Spartacus, I've now watched it twice.
Amy, Hi! It has been a long time since we've talked. I'm glad to see you have a blog.
Hey...do you guys use Enfamil with Eli? We have formula checks that I usually toss, but if you can use them, I'll pass them off.
I am happy for Ike, I hope it really helps.
Will is so cute. It is good that he can entertain himself so well. I hope that a new friend moves in soon too. Although, that sure will make it hard when it is time for you all to move.
Good luck Mike!!
Is it a good movie? One we should get from the library? We watched Across the Universe last night, the weird musical with Beatles songs. Thought Mike would like it, it was weird though, so beware.