My sicko, rotten, I love him more than anything in the world, Iittle man
Isaac was a little sick before we came but nothing bad enough to do anything about. When we got here he started getting more and more sick. Finally, we took him into the doctor in Maryland and discovered that he has a double ear infection again. He is on antibiotics but it hasn't helped much so Mike gave him a blessing and he seems a little better. On Sunday we decided he was too sick to go to Nursery so we all went to church and left him with Mike until Sacrament. I came back to pick them up and found him sound asleep on the floor. Mike said he was so upset that we left him that he screamed until he fell asleep. Notice his little of the many mishaps of the week for him.
Isaac has been so sick that he has been ROTTEN, seriously rotten. He has screamed and cried and thrown himself on the floor a million times a day. My favorite thing this week was when he came in at 7 in the morning and climbed in bed with me and Mike and laid so still and quiet and allowed me to put my arms around him. What an exhausting, wonderful child.
I'm not sure if you can see the tear streaks on his face....
Dad Clark
I think you should bring up the tubes at his next appointment and then push for it. He is sick way too often.