When I'm not looking
1. They got into the pantry (off limits) to find a snack and poured out 3/4 of the Marshmallow Mateys all over the floor.
2. Let the dog in, who then peed on my floor twice yesterday!
3. Went into my bathroom (off limits) with the dog and played in the toilet. I found them getting drinks out of the sink and then spitting the water into the toilet with Diamond drinking out of the toilet bowl.
4. Getting into the bathroom and tearing off 1/2 the roll of toilet paper onto the floor and taking the rest of the roll and throwing it in the toilet bowl.
5. We made a craft yesterday where I wrote the first letter of their names in permanent marker on construction paper and then let them outline it with glue and glue noodles on that we dyed. I put the papers up so they could dry and when I came out couldn't find the papers anymore. I asked Will what happened to them and he said they were in my room drying. I went into my room (also off limits to them) to find the pictures were upside down on my floor with the glue stuck all over the carpet. I also found glue all over the seats in the kitchen.
6. They broke the new DVD player we bought last month after going without one for over six months because the last one broke.
7. I found them in the van (in the garage, not outside, thankfully) with diamond in with them and all the lights turned on.
8. I found the box from the pantry that we keep the potatoes and rice in on their bedroom floor.
9. I found our little kitchen chopper filled with play dough.
10. This one didn't happen when I was in with the baby, but before I got up with the boys. Will peed his bed for the first time in six months and took the sheet off his bed, threw it in the tub in the guest bathroom, changed his underwear and pj's and dropped the wet clothes in a corner on his floor. I thought he was in different pj's than the ones we put on his before bed the night before but thought I must have been wrong. It was only when I went into their bedroom to get clothes for Isaac that I noticed the smell of urine. At least he tried to clean it all up and put new clothes on so I guess I can't complain that he didn't tell me he wet the bed. He wet again this morning and turned on the light to take the sheet off, waking Isaac up at 5:45. Grrr.
There are more, but I think you get the picture. They can't be left alone for two minutes.
I was complaining to my S-i-L the other day about how Lucy (Spot) had dumped out the syrup all over her breakfast plate and onto the carpet, etc. She was like, Oh, I guess you should have been watching them more carefully. And I was all, You think this was MY FAULT?
Easy for someone with only one kid to say, eh? (Of course, I was on the computer at the time, so it really WAS my fault -- but only that one time).
What a funny, funny post.
I'm sorry for your pain, though.
I'd like to say just laugh it off and clean it up, but as a mom I know how hard that is, and I have yet to learn that skill. Good luck, you'll survive. On the up side, you are keeping the rest of us entertained with their antics
How do you have time for the fun crafts you do? And how do you think of them all? Keep posting about them, because I like to steal all of your ideas and make myself look like a wonderful mom, too!
I hope he's sleeping better for you.
FYI, I deny anything having to do with syrup. -Jess