Three Ideas
When I taught at Headstart in Provo with my friend Amber Crosby, we used all these fun things to teach numbers, colors, etc. There were some ideas I really liked so I made my own copies of them. I use them with the boys and I thought I'd share them on the blog so if anyone wanted to reproduce them they could.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. I just let Will match the dots to the fish.
This is the easiest of the three to make. You just get a file folder and some construction paper. Then you cut a fish out of the middle and put the paper inside the folder. You say this little rhyme:
I'm Mitch the fish and I swim and I swish
If you don't like my color
I can change it like this!
Then you switch the paper and they guess the color.
I'm Mitch the fish and I swim and I swish
If you don't like my color
I can change it like this!
Then you switch the paper and they guess the color.
This one is harder to make but it's the favorite of the boy's. Find a picture of a house online. Print it out and color them different colors. Find a little mouse as well and color it brown or grey. Then you have them close their eyes and you hide the mouse under one of the houses. You say:
Little mouse, little mouse
Are you under the _____________ house?
Then they have to find the mouse.