Just to clarify

You can all stop believing I am "superwoman" or "brave" or whatever else. My life hasn't been altered very much by us having a dog. I'm not sure if I said it or not but my job is the baby, Mike's job is the dog. He is in love with the dog so it hasn't been hard to convince him of that. So far, my part in the dog owning has been to tell Mike in the middle of the night that the dog is out of the backyard, in the rain, or stuck. I've cleaned up one puddle of pee (my sweet mother-in-law cleaned up the poop in Will's room) and Mike has cleaned up all the rest. He takes a daily trip around the yard and scoops up the poop and then checks the garage for poop as well. He took the dog to the Vet for his routine check-up, picked up the dog's medicine, and gives the dog his medicine. He also went and bought all the dog supplies. Oh, I think I held the chain when we took him with us on our walk.

My other job is encouraging the boys to go play with the dog, although that isn't hard because they love him. It is annoying when I put the dog outside and then immediately he is back inside. How does he get in? The boys let him in! I hear the sliding back door open or the garage door open and a little baby voice, "Come, come." Or I look over and see Will carrying the dog by the neck around the house so he can hold him. At least he isn't carrying the baby by the neck right? Isaac and Will don't understand yet that the dog belongs outside. Another thing I have to do concerning the dog is teach him Isaac's clothes aren't for biting and Isaac's blanket is off limits. And Isaac needs to learn that when the dog is around, he needs to hide his blanket. Every morning I see Issac running away with his blanket behind him and the dog running after him. A benefit to having the dog is that when I am feeding the baby I can send the boys to the backyard to play with the dog and it keeps them busy.

Anyway, pretty much those have been my only duties. So, Mike is brave and Mike is superman I guess. I know that eventually I will have to do more for the dog than I am but for now, I don't have to do anything. It will be a pain to have to take him to the vet when Mike is at work though. Anyway, I also have to admit that I am not a pet person. I especially am not a dog person. But Diamond is a really good dog and he is so stinkin' cute...and Mike has wanted a dog our whole marriage. His life is complete....;)

Oh, and we found out we are not the bad dog owners we thought we were. Diamond didn't get sick from being out in the rain. He got a virus from the dogs at the pound. Our thing is that neither of us really know anything about owning a dog. I need to get some books from the library.


Pitcher Family said…
Thanks for the clarification... although my thoughts were not along the idea of super man or woman, more along the lines of crazy man or woman! ;)
I'm glad you have designated who is in charge of the dog... and it's not Adrianne!!
P.S. I love reading your blog!

I came across your blog through Lady Lyn. We used to work together in the Fletcher Building aeons ago! Your boys are really cute. I was thinking about you lately, and how we used to talk while you were working in the TV room. I'm glad to see you're doing so well.

Kim, blogs are so fun...it's awesome that you can keep in contact with people through blogs. How are you have a blog?

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