If he weren't so stinkin' cute

I CANNOT KEEP HIM IN HIS BED!!!! Moving Isaac into Will's room was a bad idea. He thinks if he hides in our room we aren't going to notice he isn't in his bed. Will freaks out if we close the door so I put up a baby gate and he just kept knocking it down. After putting him back in bed a hundred times I got tired of it and put him back in his crib in his old room. After a few minutes I went in and asked him if he was ready to go back to his big boy bed. He immediately went back to his bed. So, we have three options. Number one option is to keep the baby in our closet and move Isaac back to his crib and bedroom. The second option is to move Isaac back to his crib and room and move the baby into Will's room. When he outgrows his cradle we can think about moving Isaac in Will's room again. The final option, which Mike says really isn't an option, is to buy another crib and keep Isaac in Will's room. Or, even better, we can use the dog leash and tie him to his bed....Would that be counted as child abuse?

Isaac just came up to me with poop all over his hand. That is his new way of letting me know he has a dirty diaper, "I'll just stick my hands down my pants and show mom what's down there." So disgusting. Somebody want him?


Emily said…
Oh the trauma of kids. For our first two we had the same dilemma of what to do sleeping. We tried the bed, but then decided that didn't work, so we garage sale shopped and found a second crib, it saved my life because at least they were sleeping through the night. Good luck with what you decide. Emily
Jess and Jen said…
So funny. I was going to make a blog post about Lauren today with the same title!

Our first attempt at putting Abby and Leah together didn't go very well. For us the problem was not getting Leah to stay in her bed (she'd already been in her toddler bed for a couple months before we tried to put them together), but it was just that Leah was so excited to be in Abby's room that she would talk nonstop. Then Abby would get really upset about not being able to sleep. So, after a few nights we put Abby and Lauren together and had Leah in her own room. We tried again a few months later and it was fine! Good luck!
Jason said…
HaHaHaHaHaHa. Oh, Adrianne, he reminds me of Caleb. Caleb hated staying in his room. The problem was when I wasn't home. Michelle's voice just isn't very intimidating but mine can be downright scary (or so Daniel says). I was in grad school when Caleb was having bedtime issues and was gone several nights a week either working or studying. Our solution was to tape record my voice telling Caleb to get his little rear back in bed or he was going to get in trouble among other things. When I got back from work the first night Michelle tried it, she was laughing so hard that I thought she was going to roll off the couch. She told me that she had never seen Caleb run back into his room so fast when he heard "me" telling him to get back to bed. Good luck with Isaac.
Frances said…
My opinion is a second crib. It sounds extravagant and like a waste of money but I honestly wish I had done it. We moved Lilian to a toddler bed at 14 months...WHAT WERE WE THINKING!!?? That's the problem with having kids so close. I thought, no way am I buying a second crib. Well, months and months and months later, she would stay in her room. It was a nightmare time full of screaming and we never gave in. It wasn't until she was 2 or so that she would actually sleep on the bed, most of the time it was on the floor. I decided that no matter how close another child would be, Rosie would stay in her crib till she was 8. :) I put them in the same room when Rosie was 9 months. It went really well. I think Lilian loved having the company.
Hi Adrianne, I had to comment becaue we SOOOOOOOOOO had this problem with Emma when she moved to a "big girl" bed. It was two weeks of I-wanna-die! So, after living through this heck I have to tell you I reccomend buying another crib. We got a crib and mattress off craigslist for $50 and it was SO worth it ($100 would have been worth it!!) I'd tell Mike that either we buy the crib or HE'S in charge of keeping him in his bed at night LOL KIDS! Good luck!
Papa Doc said…
I'm laughing..... We'll take him in an instant. He will never let life be boring.
Jess and Jason said…
Get a second crib, trust me, you will not regret it. Go to yard sales.
Cali said…
How funny-but not at the same time! We put Olivia and Collin together right away--and it was hard then, too, because Olivia was waking up all night long to eat. But, now they sleep through each other no matter what! I think that no matter when you put kids together, there'll be challenges. Our new challenge is Olivia in her own bed, and not the crib. She loves to get out and roam around! Good luck--I'm sure they'll figure it out soon.
It sounds like everyone thinks we should get another crib. I'll try and convince Mike.

Jess, did Leah just stop talking when you did put her back in?

Jason, I thought that was hilarious that you recorded your voice. Seriously awesome.

Frances, you are brave...14 months! We waited until Will was over two but since the baby is here we had to move Isaac over...21 months. It is obviously still too young for him.

Brooke, I read your post on your blog about you problems with Emma and actually was thinking of that particular post while writing this one.
Jess and Jason said…
Mom said I should mention that Ryan started taking his diapers off all the time a month or so ago. I could not get him to keep it on. He could take his sleepers off and his pants. We started putting onsies on him again and it solved the problem. We thought that might help Isaac keep his hands out of his diaper!

Good luck!
chelsey said…
What about this...Does Isaac have a favorite treat (something like a sucker or a freezer pop)? Try telling him that if he stays in his big boy bed (with whatever sheets he picks out)there will be a special treat for him when he gets up. Yes, perhaps that's not a great idea to give him sugar first thing in the morning, but some kind of reward he'll really want would work. Maybe have Will in on it too so Will can encourage him to stay in his bed. You could also try it at naptime so the treat getting doesn't seem so far away. If he sees Will getting a treat maybe that would be incentive enough to stay. I don't know though. Maybe Isaac is too young yet to understand he has to wait for the treat. Good luck whatever you do. Geoff and Sarah only shared a room for a little while and it too was a nightmare -- especially because we couldn't just let them cry it out. We had renters in our basement who could hear everything.

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