Have you ever seen hail this large?

We had some wicked weather yesterday. I was exercising with the boys when I got a phone call from a friend asking if they could come down to our storm shelter. I was really confused why he wanted to come to our shelter but flipped on the TV and saw that tornado weather was predicted for Midwest City. The sirens were going off and I hadn't even heard them! Mike was gone with the missionaries so I just grabbed the boys and started going to our backyard when huge hail started coming down. Right when I was trying to determine the best way to get the boys down in the shelter without them getting pelted, Mike and the missionaries showed up and Mike got us all safely down into the shelter. There was rotation, hail, wind, and a funnel starting to form by the Air Force base but thankfully it passed by us. it eventually did touch down in Oklahoma though. Our power also went out later in the middle of the night and more hail came. But we are all safe and today is a beautiful day. We took a video but it's a really large file so I'll try and upload it and hope it will work.


Pitcher Family said…
Wow!! That is crazy weather. I didn't know you had a storm shelter. Ummmm, WHY are you exercising?? How old is your baby?? Silly girl.
Just for everyone's information, those are pictures of the hail a while after it stopped--they had melted quite a bit.

Marcy said…
That is huge hail!
Steff said…
Holy cow! Do those hurt really bad while they are falling on your head? I'm glad Mike made it home in time to help you out. Were the boys scared or did they think it was kind of cool. Winston would have loved it. Glad the major part of the storm passed you by.
We didn't get hit by them, thankfully. That is why I was worried about getting the boys down the shelter on my own though. Mike had to use the lid of our turtle sandbox to put over his head and then take each person down one at a time so no one would get pelted. I think we ended up having 15 people down in our shelter.

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