It is crazy to think that three years ago Will was born into our family. We are so grateful to have him. I remember when I was pregnant with him and people would tell me about the wonderful bond they felt with with their unborn baby. Honestly, I didn't understand what they were talking about because all my unborn baby did for me was bring me grief! That really sounds terrible but I don't know how else to say it. I loved feeling him move and seeing him on the ultrasound but I didn't understand what it meant to have a baby. He wasn't a person yet to me and I didn't know how to bond with something I didn't really understand and that only made me miserably sick.

Now, of course, I understand what it is to have a baby and have felt that bond with Isaac and the baby I'm carrying now. It took me time to figure out how to be a mom and to form that bond with Will because of his colic but I eventually figured it all out and can't imagine my life without him. There is a picture we have of Will when he is only a few hours old and he is looking at me like he knows exactly who I am. Even with his cone head it is still one of my favorite pictures. It's like everything disappears, all the bad memories fade away and it's just me and Will communicating to each other. It is all worth it.

Anyway, he is three today. He had a wonderful day. He woke up to balloons wrapped around his door and immediately wanted to play with them. He got one of his favorite breakfasts (eggs and smokies) and then he got to play ALL day long with his best friend Talon. He was in heaven. Then later Talon and his family came back over and he got to eat cake and ice cream with them. We didn't even give him his presents until 8:30 tonight and he didn't even miss them. My two favorite parts of the day were when he kept saying to me "this is a cool tractor cake, mom" then when I was putting him to bed he said, "You are the greatest mom." What a wonderful thing to be a mom!


Jess and Jen said…
That is a great cake. I love them John Deere-looking tractors. Wish I had my own...

Happy b-day to little Willy. -Jess
chelsey said…
What an awesome cake! You're talented with this stuff! It looks like Will had a fun day. It seems strange he's getting so big already! He'll be going to school before you know it!
Pitcher Family said…
You are a great mom!! What a fun day!
Jess and Jason said…
That is a cool tractor cake! You are the greatest mom!!
The cake was a pain, but probably only because I was in a big hurry to get it done. I just bought another cake pan and it has the directions for decorating on the back. It wasn't too hard. We don't want to thow our kids parties for all their birthdays so I thought we should still do something Will would really like and let him have a friend over.
Papa Doc said…
I love the cake! I was never good at decorating so none of you had cool cakes. You were lucky to get one that was even frosted. And I love the photo of Isaac. :)

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