All in a night's work

Last night Mike and I got to bed a little's always my fault because I always want to talk to him. Anyway, at midnight I heard crying and jumped out of bed (Ok, I think it was more like rolled my hefty body out of bed). Isaac was crying and I walked into his room to the smell of puke and rushed the poor kid to the bathtub just in time for him to puke again. I got him cleaned and called for Mike to come help me. We spent the next while taking turns holding Ikie, cleaning out the crib, changing sheets, and scrubbing the tub. We finally got back to bed but the night didn't get much better. Between waking up to go to the bathroom every two hours and waking up from Mike's awful unwanted air....(my mom calls those bunclaps), I didn't sleep very well. Then in the wee hours of the morning, we wake up to hear another cry--this time from Will. He, of course had leaked through his diaper, clothes, blanket, and sheet. I think it was about 5:30. And he thought it was time to wake up for the morning.

After all is said and done, I'm really grateful for a husband that is a light sleeper and that takes an active part in helping with the kids. Nights like last night don't seem quite as bad when he gets up with me to help.

In other news, Mike just started an online Masters program in business. He figures until he can get to AFIT to complete his Engineering Masters, it can't hurt to do one online.

And me? Well, someone said to me on Sunday, "How are those triplets doing?" I think my experience with the nurse last week helped me be bold (and probably a little rude) when I replied, "What makes you think that is appropriate to say to a pregnant lady?" He felt awful and said, "I thought you were due like a week ago." No, I have eight weeks actually but thanks for commenting on how huge I am.


i hate those nights, and the piles of laundry the next morning. i feel almost personally offended when i get woken up at night, and that is a bad, bad thing when you have small kids.

so, that pregnancy comment was pretty bad. why don't men learn?

i went with tom to a work thing last week and his boss asked me when i was due. uh. am not pregnant AT ALL. ran a 15k race a couple weeks ago. eat too many brownies, but is that any reason to insult me? he tried really hard to make up for it (saying oh, must be one of the other wives he'd heard about or something).

he's a nice guy, so we agreed to pretend it'd never happened, which i will to his face, but obviously i am telling you about it, so i wasn't completely truthful (forgiving?).

as if that compares, though, to such GROSS insensitivity.
Jess and Jen said…
I can't believe Mike's farts wake you up...those must be serious.
Carolina said…
Congratulations on surviving. I'm never quite sure whether I will survive rough nights or not. And kudos to Mike for being so willing to take part in the fun.
Marcy said…
You have got to read the post on this blog starting with "feline AIDS..."

Sorry you had a bad night.
Marcy, I started reading that blog post and was worried you thought I was the Debbie Downer! Then I kept reading and realized you were probably refering to the conversation between the Debbie Downer and the pregnant lady. I hope so! I would hate to be a Debbie Downer.

Those are pretty funny conversations. The sad thing about it is that people actually do say things like that. I wonder sometimes why any normal person would say stuff like that. I know I wouldn't and I think I'm pretty normal!

Jane, I've had someone ask me if I were pregnant too when I wasn't. Sad situation. I'm sorry someone asked you that. Maybe he really did confuse you with someone else?

Carolina, you will survive the terrible nights. We have been pretty lucky thus far to not have many nights like last night.

Jess, come on. Maybe Jen is just nice and doesn't tell you when you wake her up! It's pretty gross and probably because I'm pregnant and therefore, more sensitive to smells. I thought about taking that part off on my post but then you had already commented on it. I guess it's a fact of life.
Cali said…
Rough nights are soooo rough the next day! How is everything going? Is Isaac doing better? I hope so!

Isn't being so large just lovely? (I can say this because I am also so large). And why does common courtesy go out the door when a pregnant woman is involved? For example, it is suddenly ok (though not really ok) to:

call her fat
touch her belly
talk about her cervix

etc... I don't get it. Especially when people should know that our hormones are constantly changing, and that we are quite likely to be ultrasensative at the moment! Listen to me rant and rave. Anyway, you are beautiful. And that is all that matters.
Papa Doc said…
This whole thing is really funny and pathetic, and terrible, and wonderful.

I am fat but not pregnant. But I am sure happy that Mom was willing to put up with so many days like this, and so many times being very uncomfortable. I am now loving watching you kids have such great experiences and having such wonderful children. It is tough, but for Chris and I, we am sure glad we went through it. You guys and dolls are just great.

Dad Clark
Marcy said…
of course I meant the comments to the pregnant lady! unbelieveable, eh?

I confess, I'm a belly toucher--to my friends, I mean.
Marcy said…
BTW, I love the new look. Do you actually take the frog picture?
Marcy said…
I mean Did you
Rachel said…
I also have had some funny pregnant comments. Yesterday the ward choir director said,"Are you pregnant? I didn't know until today." I said, "Yes, I'm due next month." She said, "Oh, I had no idea and you're already 8 months." Does she just think I'm normally this fat? Pretty sure I look VERY pregnant. The funny thing is Charlie and I are 2 of the 5 that come to choir every Sunday. :)

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