What Isaac says

This is more for my own record than anything. Every few months I go through the blog and print out some of my posts and put them in my journal (then I don't have to write it twice). So anyway, this is mainly for me.

Some of the things Isaac can say:

"Gink, gink" Drink
"I wan" I want
"Kank-oo" Thank you
"Shish" Shoe
"What's that?"
"Uh huh"

Of course he can also say "mom" and "dad." He has some sounds he makes for things but they aren't clear enough for me to write out. Everytime he wants his blanket he makes a certain sound. When he wants to pray he makes another sound, etc. It's really fun to see him try and communicate. I can tell most things he wants now just by listening for certain sounds and letting him take me to what he wants.

Isaac is a very focused, funny boy. He laughs all day. I was telling Mike that I love eating with Isaac because he makes me feel like the best cook in the world--he eats everything! It's so nice to have a break from sickness with him so that we can see his real personality come out.


Jess and Jason said…
I just LOVE when they start making their needs known. It is so hard for me when the kids know what they want, but aren't old enough to communicate them. That is always so hard...my kids just yell and get frustrated.

I am happy that he is growing up and learning to talk!
Frances said…
What a good idea printing them out. Maybe I should try that. It is so fun when the baby becomes a kid. I love seeing his new language.
Papa Doc said…
Does he talk when he does his famous rocking kneel? His eyes are so cute, too. I wish I could hold those two boys every day. Love you all.

Dad Clark
Carolina said…
Don't post these just for you; post them for us too--these are some of my favorite posts. Kids say the cutest things.

Your posts about your kids' words and funny phrases remind me of my nephew's funny exclamations. My sister was trying to get him to stop saying "holy crap," and he was trying his best to stop. After my sister took him to a baptism, he stopped saying "holy crap" and started saying "holy ghost" every time he dropped something or got mad. He figured if it was okay to say it at church, then it must be better than "holy crap!"

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