Making doughnuts

We used to make doughnuts growing up and it was always so fun. Mike and I decided to make them with the boys only we chose to make them the not so yummy but easier way--pop biscuits.


Jess and Jason said…
I didn't know you could make donuts from pop biscuits!! how do you do that?

I am happy to see you on the blog. I have missed you. I know it has only been a couple days, but I really love your posts!!
Pitcher Family said…
Looks yummy! You'll have to let us know how to make them. Although it might be better if I don't know how...
You have a deep fryer?? I can only imagine the possibilities with one of those! How fun!
CLAMES said…
I concur! I want to know how to make those too! I've never attempted making donuts before. I think you have convinced me to do it very, very soon.
Jess and Jen said…
That's one of my favorite treats! i just bought biscuits this week so we could make some! I'm a big fan of the powdered sugar ones, but Jess and Abby love them with regular sugar!

Steff said…
Yes, please share how to make these. I have suggested to Matt that we try making donuts a couple times and he just looked at me like I was odd. Those look yummy yummy. You always have good ideas. I've been making Navajo Tacos ever since I saw your post on them and they are sooooo good! Thanks!
Marcy said…
We made these for Halloween. Do you just take the biscuits, poke a hole in them, fry them and then roll them in sugar? They do taste really good and so easy.

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