Looking for ideas

What is everyone reading, watching, and eating?

I am reading a book about miscarriage right now. I'm not very far into it but I think it will be good. I had gotten a book from the library this week that I don't think I'll read. I was in a hurry and saw the book The Mermaid Chair. I read the book The Secret Life of Bees by the same author and liked it a lot. Anyway, I had the boys with me so I saw the author and had heard the title and got the book without reading the jacket. Upon arriving home I saw that it's about someone who is married that becomes interested in a priest of something. I don't think I'll read that. I don't need to read a book about someone being unfaithful (whether just in mind of not). Any other ideas?

We just finished The Borne Ultimatum this past week. I really liked it. I think I remember my mom commenting on the jerky camera and that bugged me a lot at first but before long I forgot it was jerky and it was fine. I really love those movies...so interesting. We also watched the Nanny Diaries and Dream Girls lately. I didn't really like Dream Girls but I enjoyed Nanny Diaries. I think Mike has on our Netflix list Connan the Destroyer....ugh. I think today we are getting The Pursuit of Happiness. What movies have you liked or disliked lately? PBS is showing all of Jane Austin's books. I am so excited. It starts on Sunday. They are showing Persuasion first, which I'm really happy about because I was going to make Mike watch that with me from Netflix anyways. He pretends not to like the girly movies I make him watch but then he always likes them. He said he hasn't seen a Jane Austin movie he hasn't liked yet. Such a good husband! I guess it's not too bad to have to watch his sci-fi movies if he will watch my girly movies. We only have time to watch like one movie a week. Oh, and we are trying basic cable for a month and so I've gotten to watch the Food Network. I love watching the cooking challenges and there is a cake show that is pretty cool--it is such an artwork.

As far as eating goes, we have been eating Frito tacos, Potato Cheese Soup, Stroganoff, Chicken Divan, and Chicken Salad to die for. I need to go grocery shopping again soon. What are you all eating? We made some really good hot chicken sandwiches a few weeks ago. They were kind of an invention and they turned out really good. Any good fruit dishes or side dishes?


Steff said…
I recently borrowed the book "The Gift" by Richard Paul Evans. It was pretty good. I am always somewhere in the middle of a good Louie L'amour book. I love them. What can I say, I'm a sucker for the good guy winning and the cowboy riding off into the sunset with the girl. :) He he.
Matt and I have really gotten into watching The Biggest Loser. It is so amazing and inspiring. We love it. I LOVE the food network. I really like watching the cake contests, too. Iron Chef is kind of fun to watch as well.
I've really gotten into food blogs lately and have gotten some really great meal ideas from http://thepioneerwomancooks.com and http://pickypalate.com They have great pictures and yummy looking/sounding food. I have also been making the Lion House Rolls a lot lately. YUM!
Okay, I better end this novel now.
Pitcher Family said…
I meant to mention to you at one point an author that has done remake series of Jane Austen books in modern day. It's been a while since I read them, but I think they were all good. Debra White Smith, under Smith at the library. I'm not currently into any other series now, just finished the Meyers books that you didn't care for yesterday.
We don't watch many movies, not enough time together, but did watch the Bourne Ultimatum, Pirates, Spiderman 3 and Transformers over the Christmas break. Mikayla and I love to watch Biggest Loser. I usually like to eat something not good for me while watching it. I think I feel skinny when I see them, so I think I can eat!! We are anxious for LOST to come on at the end of the month.
As for food, we have recently had sloppy joes, bbq chicken, scrambled eggs and muffins, pork roast, french dip sandwiches, and burritos. We are having cheesy potato soup tomorrow. I think we'll make some cookies this afternoon!
Steff, I have found the thepioneerwomancooks blog too! I really like her blog. I also found a crockpot blog. That was fun because I don't know how to put my crockpot to good use. You should send me some Lion House Rolls recipes. I have read the gift. I enjoyed it. I will have to check out Louie L'amour next time I'm at the library. And...I love watching the biggest loser! It's sad when I watch and think, oh man, I need to be on that show. Of course I don't, what am I thinking!
Mandy, I love eating at your house. It's too bad we don't live closer. I will check those books out at the library--they sound fun! I am so excited for LOST! It's your parents and Jessie's fault. We watched them when we went out there last Christmas.
Cali said…
Hey! I am currently reading, and LOVE, The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. I am also reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, and would highly recommend it, I love the literary style of the author. And, I received Absolute Friends by John Le Carre from Rebecca (Nate's sister) for Christmas and it looks really good--I just can't juggle reading 3 books at once. She really likes the author, though has never read this particular book.

Happy to hear that you are doing well. Don't worry about the weight gain--I've suddenly grown a lot too! Have a wonderful day.
Jess and Jen said…
I don't know how to read, so I stick to the movies. I recently bought the Bourne Identity and Supremacy and watched them back to back on New Year's Eve. Great flicks. I've seen all three on the big screen (the one in the theater, not my house!).
Cali, I'm so excited about all the books everyone is recommending! About your weight, you are all of like ten lbs....I've seen pictures on your blog. You can't even tell you are pregnant. We are all in this together (you, Rachel, me) and I'm glad I have friends to encourage me with the weight loss when this is all over. I shouldn't be too worried--I haven't gained that much yet but you know, we all seem to be concerned with how we look. It is my ultimate goal to feel good and in return, find satisfaction in how I look. I will never be 145 in a size 6 but more like 145 in a size 8 or 10. I just have to be OK with that.
Marcy said…
I've heard The Mermaid Chair is one to stay away from!

I post recommendations on these things all the time so you're probably not really asking me. One book I'm going to try to get my book club to read this year is Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold. I loved it a couple years ago. All my favorites are in my profile.

What's the crockpot blog? I love using the crockpot!

Oh, here's something cool you might not know: American Idol is starting on Jan. 15th and Shaun Barrowes will probably have some tv time (and maybe more!) He's worked hard and I hope he goes far. Just fun to watch someone you know.
Zach and Nikki said…
I'm enjoying all the ideas your getting from your friends, Adrianne. I've needed some of the same ideas. I love to read and am always looking for good books. I have been kind of reading The Secret. It was given to Zach so I thought I would read it. It's kind of weird- it's not fiction. It's a worldly perspective on faith. I view it as faith without humility or submissiveness or faith with selfish intentions. It's not all bad, just a little twisted in some areas. I've done a bit of thinking about it. I don't recommend reading it- but I thought I would just tell you about it since I've seen it everywhere and realize it's kind of a popular book right now. I had my mom read it and we had a very good conversation about it. I could imagine you and I having a similar conversation because you always were a good thinker.
Okay, I'd better stop taking up all this space, but I did want to say thank you to whoever family is because I checked out the pioneer woman site and love it. We do all sorts of dishes in our home because I kind of like to experiment with cooking- I'm trying to build my meatless meals repretoire right now. And as far as movies go- Zach has rarely been able to sit through a movie with me so if I ever watch a movie, it's while I'm ironing or something like that- I'm way behind in the movies.
Again, sorry this is so long, This is the end now.
Marcy said…
Oh, and I've been wanting to make this salad lately. I really like it:

Marcy said…
Ok, try this: Creamy Fruit Salad II on allrecipes.com (it didn't want to take my link)
Nikki, you can go to Sugardoodle to find the pioneer website or go to Steff's site (she is the one that posted as family and has it linked on her site). Oh wait, I guess she posted the link on the comment. You can still check out her site...you would like her. Mike and I don't get to watch very many movies either.

Marcy, thanks for the recipes! I'm excited to go check them out. The Crockpot blog I got from Sugardoodle. http://familycorner.blogspot.com/search/label/Slow%20Cooking%20Thursday

There is a link on the side of sugardoodle that says recipes and if you click on it you can find both the crockpot blog and the pioneer woman blog. She also has some other really fun ones on there too.

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